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Late at night, Shengshi Group's PR department.

Liang Feixing was being tormented by Su Yimo's drunk driving scandal when his personal cell phone rang suddenly.

He was about to throw it aside impatiently, but the next second he saw the caller ID, he broke out in a cold sweat, turned over and sat upright, and frantically connected——

"Hey, Mr. Lu, I'm sorry! We are dealing with this matter, and it will be resolved by tomorrow night at the latest!"

"What's the matter?" A man's cold and distant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ah? It's about Su Yimo's drunk driving...Isn't that why you're looking for me?" Liang Feixing was at a loss. Could it be that the big BOSS called late at night to ask questions?


Liang Feixing breathed a sigh of relief immediately. He was so busy and confused. Lu always never interfered in Shengshi's affairs. Even if it involved Shengshi's first sister Su Yimo this time, it was a big deal in their eyes. Can't afford the slightest ripple.

So, what is the big boss looking for him in person at this time?

Liang Feixing became even more anxious, "Then who are you looking for?"

"Within 24 hours, let Jia Qingqing quit the entertainment industry." Lu Tingxiao directly issued an order.

"Jia Qingqing? Mr. Lu, who is Jia Qingqing?"

"Starlight Entertainment."

As soon as the voice on the phone fell, Liang Feixing's face was full of surprise. Was it Jia Qingqing, who was gaudy but was hyped by Xinghui as "the most beautiful woman in the entertainment industry"?

He thought it was some big shot!

Liang Feixing was full of surprise and doubt, but he didn't dare to ask a word, and he responded repeatedly, "Okay, Mr. Lu, I understand! As far as I know, Jia Qingqing is fighting with a female artist of their company recently, and the other party is not He is a good stubble, he has a lot of black information about Jia Qingqing, and he knows how to kill people with a knife, so he handed it over to a gossip big V operated by our company team. Jia Qingqing usually offends too many people. Get away. But if we want to force her to quit the entertainment circle, I still need to add more fire!"

"Act in secret," Lu Tingxiao instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone, Liang Feixing immediately handed over all the matters at hand to the deputy director, and then handled the matter himself.

The matter this time is really not difficult, asking him to do it is like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife. At present, the artist who is fighting with Jia Qingqing has completed 80%, and he only needs to give the final blow.

He's just a second-rate artist, what did he do to make the big boss personally order him to kill him?

No matter how Liang Feixing guessed, Lu Tingxiao's real purpose was not to ban Jia Qingqing, but to support Ning Xi, a young actor who was less famous than Jia Qingqing and whose name he still couldn't remember...

the next morning.

Ning Xi was a little dazed after waking up, why was she lying in the Lu residence?

She clearly remembered playing games with Xiaobao for two hours straight, and finally fell asleep lying on the sofa in Jiang Muye's living room from exhaustion...

In the midst of the clouds and mist, there was a sudden "bang" sound from the window at the head of the bed.

Ning Xi was taken aback and quickly got up to see what was going on.

Then, as soon as the window was opened, a golden head was seen below...

Ning Xi had black lines all over her face, "Jiang Muye, what are you doing?"

Jiang Muye, who always paid the most attention to his image, was still wearing the clothes he wore last night. His face was wrinkled and his hair was messy. He said anxiously, "Ning Xi, come down! I have something to ask you! Hurry up! "

Ning Xi sighed with a headache, knowing that it was no good for this guy to come here early in the morning and smash her window glass...

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