Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 98 Only you can cure my disease

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Two hours later, Lu Jingli died honorably, but he still couldn't get a word out of Jiang Muye's mouth before he passed out drunk.

In fact, Jiang Muye was already on the verge of death right now, because he knew that Lu Jingli wanted to get his words out of him, so he persisted until now.

An uncle who is so gossip is really drunk...

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be other reasons for Lu Jingli's insistence on figuring this out, but his brain was so muddled right now that he really couldn't think.

The only person at the wine table who was still sober was Lu Tingxiao.

Lu Tingxiao called the housekeeper to pick up Lu Jingli, then got up and walked towards the living room.

I saw the words "Clear" written on the huge game screen, and Ning Xi and Xiaobao lay sprawled on the sofa and slept soundly.

Lu Tingxiao walked over lightly.

The girl was holding a white and soft bun in her arms, and her sweet sleeping face gave people the urge to let go of all the fame, wealth and power behind her, and just sleep peacefully with her until the end of time.

In the dining room, Jiang Muye saw Lu Tingxiao leaning slightly towards Ning Xi in a daze, getting closer and closer... Then his eyes suddenly tightened and he woke up.

Lu Tingxiao almost couldn't help but kiss the girl's sleeping face, but he stopped at the last moment, turned to look at Xiaobao, and gently woke him up.

Xiao Baozi rubbed his sleepy eyes, a tuft of hair curled up on his head, and he looked more cute than usual when he just woke up.

Lu Tingxiao rubbed his little head, "Can I go by myself?"

Xiao Baozi nodded.

Lu Tingxiao showed a satisfied expression, then leaned over and gently hugged Ning Xi who was still sleeping, lowered his eyes and said to Xiao Baozi, "Let's go."

Little Baozi followed Papa obediently, not feeling anything wrong at all.

Jiang Muye: "...?!"

Jiang Muye rubbed his eyes vigorously, he must be hallucinating from drunk, right? definitely is!

Why is Lu Tingxiao's behavior so mysterious?

He asked the housekeeper to pick up his younger brother, and woke up his soundly sleeping son, but he was careful not to wake Ning Xi up, and carried her back himself?

Seeing Lu Tingxiao holding Ning Xi in his arms and leaving with the little bun behind him, Jiang Muye was still in a daze, and finally fell on the dining table, finally passed out drunk...

Lu house.

Little Baozi wanted to sleep with Ning Xi.

Lu Tingxiao: "A man and a woman can't kiss each other."

Xiao Baozi showed five fingers, which means that I am only five years old.

Lu Tingxiao nodded, "Very well, you also know that you are no longer a three-year-old child, but a five-year-old adult, now go back and sleep by yourself."


Lu Tingxiao's face became serious: "Do you still want to be Aunt Xiao Xi's treasure for the rest of your life? I can only keep her for another three months at most. If I can't marry her by then, she will leave you completely."

The little bun finally changed his face when he heard that, he flattened his mouth in grievance, looked at Ning Xi reluctantly, and finally walked away step by step.

Lu Tingxiao sighed softly.

Although Xiaobao is his biggest help, but also his biggest obstacle, fortunately, he finally made sense of it now.

Lu Tingxiao gently put Ning Xi on the bed, took off her shoes, and then called the maid to help her change.

Ning Xi vaguely felt that she had returned to the soft bed, and there was a vague figure beside the bed...

Sleepily, she stretched out her hand to touch the somewhat familiar figure, "Well, Lu...Tingxiao...are you sleepwalking again?"

Lu Tingxiao was taken aback by being touched, and then covered her warm little hand with his big palm, "Yeah."

Ning Xi frowned and muttered, "This is a needs to be cured..."

Lu Tingxiao chuckled hoarsely, and kissed her palm, "Only you can cure her."

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