Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 111 Kill all the heartless dogs in the world

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Okay, okay! Leave it to me!" Ning Xi patted her chest confidently in response, and then the more she looked at the big and the small, the more excited she became, "Oh, I can't help it, I really want to take pictures of you! Come here quickly Come here, stand together, stand closer, hold hands..."

The father and son gave instructions step by step and posed very cooperatively.

Ning Xi became more and more addicted to taking photos, she completely turned into a fan girl, took several photos of the father and son in a small garden on the balcony and study.

Lu Tingxiao stood beside her, leaned over to take a closer look, and praised, "It's a good shot."

Ning Xi waved her hands modestly and said, "My photography composition skills are average, and I use a mobile phone, but you two models are too skilled, and the background is also very good, so every shot is like a blockbuster! By the way, Lu Tingxiao , do you have WeChat? I’ll add you and send you the photos! I wanted to say before, who else uses text messages these days? It’s too troublesome! Let’s teach Xiaobao to use WeChat in the future!”

"Yes, search for my phone number." Lu Tingxiao began to rejoice that Lu Jingli forced him to open WeChat.

"Huh? Your nickname is actually Lu Tingxiao...It's so uninspired!" Ning Xi complained, and immediately added Lu Tingxiao as a friend.

Lu Tingxiao raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously looked at what Ning Xi's nickname was. After reading it, he realized that he didn't know Chinese characters.

Do you feel lonely?

Why is this nickname so weird? What means?

Lu Tingxiao really wanted to ask, but he was afraid that this was an Internet language, and if he asked, he would expose the generation gap between himself and her like last time, so he chose to keep silent.

After adding each other as friends, Ning Xi sent him all the photos.

When Lu Tingxiao was collecting the photos, he accidentally noticed that Ning Xi's signature was: One day with the sword in hand, I will kill all the heartless dogs in the world!

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

After Ning Xi posted the photo, she realized that Lu Tingxiao was staring at her signature with complicated eyes. She was embarrassed on the spot, and explained embarrassingly, "What, this is my signature when I was suffering from secondary illness, and I forgot to change it all the time! Isn't it shocking?"

Lu Tingxiao smiled lightly, "It's okay."

One day, he will be the one who makes her change this signature.

"And my nickname, ahem, it's called Martian, it was quite popular on the Internet back then, and it's quite shocking now, but I'm used to it and I don't bother to change it!" Ning Xi scratched her head and explained.

"That's right, can you replace it with a similar one?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"Huh? really think it's good?" Ning Xi was horrified by Lu Tingxiao's aesthetics.

"Yes." Lu Tingxiao's expression was very serious.

"Then...then I'll think of one for you later!" Ning Xi regretted it as soon as she agreed. It's hard to imagine how Lu Tingxiao's friends on WeChat would look when they saw him change his nickname to Martian. The picture was so beautiful... …


Lu Tingxiao seldom logged in to WeChat. This time, not long after he logged in, he saw a lot of messages popping up in the family group.

It turned out that the two elders of the Lu family were complaining to their relatives that they hadn't seen their grandson for a long time, because the eldest seemed to have a girl he liked recently and was pursuing her passionately, so they didn't dare to bother him with him.

That tone, said to be complaining, is actually more like showing off!

Hehehe, our boss, we finally have a girl we like! It's a girl, child, child!

Lu Tingxiao was confused by his parents' tone, and then casually posted all the photos Ning Xi had sent him to the group.

So, after a few seconds, the whole family group was fried.

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