Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 112 The sister-in-law is against the sky

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Everyone's first reaction was that Wannian Diving King Lu Tingxiao actually appeared in the family group.

The second reaction was, oh my god, this big and small father and son are so simple, just like the characters in the pictorial!

I really want to steal Xiaobao home!

I really want to marry my daughter!

If it weren't for the fact that intermarriage between close relatives is not allowed in the current society, it is estimated that countless family members with daughters would have been fighting for blood by now.

[Oh, my grandson is so cute, oh, my son is so handsome! ] Mrs. Lu was so excited that she didn't know who to praise first.

[Tingxiao, who chose the clothes for you and Xiaobao? Is that the girl you like? ] Mrs. Lu could tell at a glance that this was definitely not her son's aesthetic style.

[Um. ]

[I KNOW YOU CAN'T SELECT THIS STYLE OF CLOTHES! Look at how bright and beautiful the color is! It's not like you know how to dress in dusty clothes all day long, and toss Xiaobao into dusty clothes! This family really needs a woman! ]

[The photo was also taken by her? ] Mr. Lu couldn't help asking.

[Um. ] Lu Tingxiao still spoke the truth.

[good. ] Mr. Lu is obviously also very satisfied.

Lu Tingxiao didn't like taking pictures when he was a child, and Xiao Bao didn't like taking pictures even more, so there were very few photos of the father and son, and even fewer photos of them together. These photos were silently treasured by the two elders.

[I'll go, my future sister-in-law is against the sky! You actually have the ability to let you wear clothes of this color, and obediently take pictures! I gave you a set before, and the color is similar to this one. Your eyes are so contemptuous, and you criticize my aesthetics! ] This time it was Lu Jingli who spoke.

Even Lu Jingli came forward and called her "future sister-in-law". The seven aunts and eight aunts couldn't bear it any longer, and they all asked Lu Tingxiao which girl Lu Tingxiao had his eyes on.

Lu Tingxiao replied directly with two words: [Private matters. ]

It means that this is my private matter and no one is allowed to interfere.

As a result, those who were still on the verge of making a move to find out the situation did not dare to act rashly.

In the entire huge Lu family, Lu Tingxiao is the core leader. He exists like a dragon's head. The glory of the Lu family and the dignity of the Lu family all depend on him. His words are undoubtedly the imperial edict.

At this moment, there was another person who saw the photos and chat records in the group: Jiang Muye.

Jiang Muye stared at the phrase "Is that the girl you like?" for a long time, and immediately poked Ning Xi privately.

[Ning Xiaoxi, did you take pictures of Lu Tingxiao and Xiaobao? ]

[Yeah, how do you know? Did you see us? ] Ning Xi remembered that Jiang Muye was out of action today, and thought that this guy wouldn't sneak in again!

[Hmph, my uncle posted it in the family group to show off! Everyone is boasting! ]

Ning Xi was happy when she saw it, and typed: [Hahaha, really? Are you praising me for a good shot? ]

Jiang Muye was so angry that he almost dropped his phone: [Can you be more focused? ]

[Then what should I focus on? ]

[Let me tell you, just now...]

Jiang Muye wanted to say that just now Lu Tingxiao admitted in the group that the photo was taken by a girl he likes, but when she thought that he had said it three times in a row, she didn't believe it anymore, and felt that this evidence was still not enough. It was a beating, so I decided to convince her next time I found evidence that she could never deny!

[There is a scene between the two of us tomorrow, don't be late! ] Jiang Muye changed the subject.

[When have I been late! ]

[If nothing else, it's a kissing scene, if you dare to eat garlic and durian, you will die, you know? ]

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