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"Oh, I'm not interested. The only thing I'm interested in is Zeling." Han Xiao's eyes flickered coldly.

Hearing that Han Xiao was not interested, Ning Xueluo seemed a little disappointed, while Dai Wei was secretly relieved.

"Mr. Han, may I ask one more question, have you ever had a feud with Ze Ling?" Thinking of this, Ning Xueluo couldn't help showing a gleam of joy in his eyes.

"No, it's just boring." Han Xiao smiled darkly.

"Cough, okay." Ning Xueluo was a little embarrassed. As expected, this Han Xiao acted according to his own preferences, without any reason at all.

"How much reward does Mr. Han need to make a move?" Ning Xueluo asked again.

"I won't take any money, I'm just looking for skills, that's all." Han Xiao directly threw down a sentence that made the two of them even more astonished.




Ning Xi had a rare free time after her business trip, so she planned to spend some time with Big and Little Baozi today.

In the end, they were about to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together, when the phone rang, it was Zhuang Keer calling.

From the corner of his eye, Lu Tingxiao had obviously seen the name on the caller ID.

After receiving Mrs. Wife, no...after receiving Mrs. Boss's gaze, Ning Xi immediately turned on the hands-free mode consciously, and then connected the phone, "Hello, Ke'er?"

"Xiao Xi, I have something to tell you, is it convenient for you now?"

Well, Ke'er's tone, what do you want to say?

"That..." Ning Xi swallowed, could she say it was inconvenient?

Certainly not!

So, Ning Xi could only put on an upright expression and said bravely, "It's convenient, it's convenient! Tell me!"

"My father and grandpa already knew about the matter of you saving me and Rongguang the night before yesterday..." Zhuang Ke'er's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing these words, Ning Xi's legs immediately went limp, and she looked at the expressionless Big Demon King next to her with a miserable green expression, wow! Ruined!

She painstakingly kept it a secret for so long, but in the end she was caught, and it was still when she was completely unprepared...

This person really can't do bad things!

What shocked her even more was that the Great Demon King was so calm. This...couldn't this be the calm before the storm?

"Xiao Xi...Xiao Xi, are you listening to me?" Ning Xi suddenly lost her voice, and Zhuang Keer on the phone asked strangely.

"Hey, you're here, how did your father and grandfather know? Didn't you agree not to tell the family about this matter? How is that kid Zhuang Rongguang? He won't be beaten to death, right?" Ning Xi asked with a slightly dark complexion.

"Rong Guang was whipped by my dad. The wound was quite deep, but it's been treated. It's okay. Fortunately, I'm fine. Otherwise, my dad would really beat him to death this time! Xiao Xi, it's really thanks to you this time..." Zhuang Ke'er sighed.

"Well, Ke'er, do you have anything else to do?" Ning Xi asked.

Because, if there is nothing else, she will hang up the phone to accept the punishment of the Great Demon King...

Zhuang Keer hurriedly said, "Oh, I almost forgot the business, my father and grandpa want to treat you to dinner today, so I must invite you over!"

"This..." Ning Xi hesitated, glancing furtively at the Great Demon King.

The point is that she doesn't know how long she has to kneel on the washboard, whether she can go or not...

The calmer the face of the Great Demon King, the more terrified she is, ahem...

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