Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1167 I was right when I was wrong

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Xiao Xi, you must come this time. If we don't thank you for this matter, our family will feel very sorry. Of course, it's not just what happened the night before yesterday! My father and mother have also told me about many things that happened recently. My mother specially issued a false note to the army and rushed home overnight, just to see you!" Zhuang Ke'er said eagerly.


Even Ke'er's mother is back? It is said that Mrs. Zhuang's job confidentiality is very strict, but she doesn't come back several times throughout the year!

"Actually, it really doesn't need to be so troublesome. It's just a matter of raising your hands. We are friends. Can I thank you for helping you? Besides, you've helped me too!" Ning Xi said.

"Xiao Xi, what do I do to help you? It's not even a small effort... In short, this is absolutely necessary. If you don't come, our family will feel sorry for you!" Zhuang Ke'er said in a serious tone.

Zhuang Ke'er has reached this point, and Mrs. Zhuang has also asked for leave. Ning Xi thought about it, but she couldn't push it anyway, so she could only say, "Okay, I get it, I will go there!"

"Yeah, then it's settled! Waiting for you!" Zhuang Ke'er happily hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xi ran to the kitchen to find a washboard without saying a word. She couldn't think enough, and found a durian out of nowhere, and then quickly returned to the big devil.

Ning Xi stood in front of Lu Tingxiao with a washboard in one hand and a durian in the other, with her little head upturned, as flattering as she could be, "My dear, choose one! As long as you can calm down~"

There was still no expression on Lu Tingxiao's face. His gaze swept over the washboard and the durian in the girl's hands one by one, and then his eyebrows twitched, as if there were faint signs of collapse, "Do you think this is enough?"

This... this is not enough...! ! !

Ning Xi was suddenly struck by a thunderbolt, with a look of despair on her face. Then, she threw everything in both hands and performed her special attack——

With an "Aww", he hugged the little Baozi's calf beside him, "Baozi save me!"

"Mama?" Xiaobao tilted his head in confusion. Although he didn't know why Mommy asked him to save her, he still hugged Mommy firmly. His little eyes were so fierce that he stared at Papa with a protective attitude.

"Do you know what she did wrong?" Lu Tingxiao looked at his son and said coldly.

The little bun first glanced at Mama, and then immediately continued to put on a fierce expression towards Papa without hesitation, completely in the posture of "what is right for me is right, and what is wrong is also right"...

But Ning Xi continued to hug the bun tightly.

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Looking at the mother and son, Lu Tingxiao's condensed expression finally broke, he squeezed his brows and said, "Okay, I already know about this."

Ning Xi was taken aback when she heard the words, hmm? What does the Great Demon King mean?

" already knew?" Ning Xi's eyes widened.

"You think you're hiding it well?" Lu Tingxiao looked down at her condescendingly.

Ning Xi immediately climbed up the pole and said flatteringly, "My dear, you really love him. His acting skills are so good, you can see through them at a glance!"

Lu Tingxiao cast a sideways glance at her: "Practice makes perfect."

Ning Xi: "..."

Cough, has she made enough mistakes that practice makes perfect...

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