Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 118 Meeting with the Ex-Boyfriend

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was too lazy to type, so she sent a voice message directly, "Mr. Lu, the production crew is having dinner tonight, please tell Xiaobao to stop waiting for me for dinner."

Soon there was a buzzing sound, and Lu Tingxiao's reply came, and it was also a language.

Ning Xi clicked on it, and Lu Tingxiao's unique cold and concerned voice came from the phone: "Okay, have fun."

"Ning Xiaoxi..." Jiang Muye next to her called her name gloomyly.

"What are you doing?"

"Not only are you blind, are you also deaf? Don't you think my uncle's tone of voice is wrong?"

"Jiang Muye, are you itchy again?"

"..." Jiang Muye resolutely said nothing. Hehe, Ning Xiaoxi, you wait, tonight at the latest, I will definitely find evidence to convince you! Heart, take, mouth, take!

Pearl Hotel.

Basically, everyone in the crew was present for this dinner, including Ning Xueluo and others who had no part in the show today.

Everyone expressed their welcome to Jiang Muye, and the atmosphere in the box was very warm.

After drinking for three rounds, Amy suddenly took a glass of wine and stood up, "Ning Xi, I misunderstood you before, this glass of wine is toast to you, it's an apology to you, and it's also a thank you!"

"Sister Amy, you are too polite!" Ning Xi drank the wine in her glass.

Everyone cheered, and then many people came to offer wine to Ning Xi, and Ning Xi never refused to come.

Seeing Ning Xi mingle with the crew, Ning Xi smiled gratifiedly, "I just said that little junior sister can't be that kind of person!"

When the dinner was coming to an end, suddenly a slender figure knocked on the door and walked in.

"Oh, Young Master Su!"

"Master Su is here!"

"Brother Yan, why are you here?" Seeing the person coming, Ning Xueluo immediately greeted him with a face full of surprise.


In the corner, the drunk Jiang Muye immediately came to his senses and stared at the elegant man in an off-white suit at the door.

Su Yan!

He is Su Yan?

The only man Ning Xi ever loved in the legend?

Su Yan, the top ten boyfriend, appeared every time when Ning Xueluo needed to support the situation. At this time, Ning Xueluo held her arm and greeted everyone with a gentle face, "I have invited friends to eat here, listen Xueluo said that you are here too, you can order whatever you want, and this meal will be charged to my account!"

Everyone booed:

"Wow! Young Master Su is so embarrassing!"

"It feels like we are blessed by Teacher Ning every time!"

"Then we're welcome!"


At this time, a cold snort came from the corner, "Why should I ask you to pay for my welcome banquet? I will pay for this meal!"

It was probably because the ex-boyfriend was extremely jealous when they met. As soon as Su Yan appeared, Jiang Muye showed unabashed hostility.

Men's hostility towards men has always been very keen. Su Yan immediately felt Jiang Muye's unfriendly attitude towards him, but with a warm smile on his face, he said unhurriedly, "Since it's for Jiang Muye Mr. Jiang's reception banquet should not be paid by Mr. Jiang himself because of emotion and reason."

"That's right, let us treat you to this meal! It can be regarded as our courtesy as landlords." Ning Xueluo echoed.

As far as the friendship of the landlord is concerned, I am a native of the imperial capital, okay? You are needed to fulfill the friendship of the landlord!

Jiang Muye was about to take advantage of the alcohol, when Ning Xi, who was at the side, pressed his shoulder secretly from behind, leaned into his ear and said, "You idiot, why don't you take advantage of it? Just let him pay!"

Jiang Muye's face turned even worse when he heard that, "Hmph, are you sure you're not helping him? This is your old lover!"

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you also my ex-lover?"

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