Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 119 Same Birthday

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Ning Xiaoxi! Don't change the subject for me!" Jiang Muye felt even more sour when he heard it, thinking that Lao Tzu is your old lover, can he compare with your childhood sweetheart, Brother Yan, who can even call out his name in his dreams?

Ning Xi had no choice but to say, "Okay, okay, I won't change the subject, you're making such a fuss because you want my relationship with you and Su Yan to be exposed in front of everyone, right?"

When will this guy be more stable!

Jiang Muye finally stopped talking.

"You can pay if you want!" Finally, Jiang Muye casually said something perfunctory.

Su Yan watched Ning Xi whispering in Jiang Muye's ear just now, and frowned indiscernibly. Was it an illusion? He always had the feeling that the relationship between Ning Xi and Jiang Muye was not limited to colleagues...

Seeing Su Yan looking in Ning Xi's direction absently, Ning Xueluo shook his arm to get his attention back, and said softly, "Brother Yan, did you bring the things I asked you to bring?"

Su Yan came to his senses, "Brought it."

As he spoke, he handed her a stack of invitation cards, and then said to everyone, "Tomorrow is Xueluo's birthday, and I hope everyone can come to the birthday party tomorrow night!"

"Ah! Tomorrow is Teacher Ning's birthday!"

"Then we must go!"

"Ms. Ning's birthday party must be very high, let's all go to learn more!"


Ning Xueluo sent invitations to everyone one by one with a sweet smile on her face, and when they were sent to Ning Xi, she did not forget to remind them, "Young junior sister must come!"

Ning Xi turned the wine glass over and over again, staring at the red invitation card with no expression on her face.

When it was handed over to Jiang Muye, Jiang Muye didn't move, "You don't need to give it to me, I won't go."

Ning Xueluo's expression froze when she heard the words, but she recovered her gentleness after a moment, and asked with concern, "Is Mu Ye going to do something tomorrow? Can you reschedule temporarily? I really hope you can come! Please, please." La!"

She had already promised several girlfriends who liked Jiang Muye, and said that she would definitely invite Jiang Muye.

No matter what kind of man it is, it is likely that no man can resist being asked by a beautiful woman in such a tone.

But Jiang Muye didn't like this at all, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said impatiently, "It can't be changed, tomorrow is also a friend's birthday of mine!"

After speaking, he glanced in Ning Xi's direction.

Ning Xi took a sip of her wine, but said nothing.

"Ah... What a coincidence? That friend of yours has the same birthday as me! It must be your important friend? That's a pity! If your friend's side is over, you are welcome to come anytime, we The party will last all night!" Ning Xueluo said with an empathetic expression.

Damn it, if you don't invite Jiang Muye, won't it make her lose face in front of so many sisters?

Who is Jiang Muye's friend? Not only does he have the same birthday as her, but he is also important enough to make Jiang Muye reject her invitation in front of so many people!

Wait, it's tomorrow's birthday too...

Ning Xueluo looked in Ning Xi's direction suspiciously.

She suddenly remembered that Ning Xi's birthday was on the same day as hers, and it was also tomorrow!

The friend Jiang Muye was talking about was Ning Xi, right?

At this time, she suddenly thought of one thing. Later, Wang Taihe announced that Lu Jingli was the one who made the additional investment, and her father told her that the other party had secretly appointed Ning Xi as the second female lead with the director. Why did Lu Jingli in the prosperous age appoint Ning Xi as the second female lead?

If her guess was correct, and Ning Xi and Jiang Muye really had a close relationship, then Jiang Muye must have helped Ning Xi speak out.

In this way, everything makes sense...

This Ning Xi, did she hook up with Jiang Muye?

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