Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1184: Amazing Appearance

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing this, Qin Zifan, the marketing director of History, also said, "Boss, listen to their bragging! How could it be Song Jin? Maybe it's just Song Jin's apprentice and other deceitful people!"

"Song Jin doesn't have any apprentices at all." Ning Xueluo said.

"Either it means that Elder Song is temporarily unwell and can't come, just to prove the credibility of this statement, but in fact, Elder Song will not know what Zeling is doing if he doesn't care about world affairs. Even if he knows, with Elder Song's temperament, I am afraid he will not care.

What kind of cooperation sounds so good, it is probably just a high price to get some works of Mr. Song, and directly use the elements to integrate them into the clothing... I have seen this kind of hype routine a lot! "Qin Zifan said in a determined tone.

While the media at the scene were excited and curious, naturally many people had the same thoughts as Qin Zifan...

Soon, two girls wearing Zeling work clothes appeared at the door. They carefully carried a dress covered with thick cloth in their hands, put the clothes in the center of the stage, and then stood aside.

"Tsk, at least it's better than history, at least the clothes are real..." someone muttered in the audience.

"Even if there is, I think it is absolutely impossible to surpass the black faith, and Zeling has little chance of winning! It is useless to forcibly borrow Song Lao's fame!"

Hearing the black belief, the people around were all amazed, "This is really..."

Not long after the words fell, an old man with white hair and childlike face came slowly, led by a little girl.

Seeing the old man brought in by Han Momo, there was a gasp of air at the scene...

Song Jin is well-known both at home and abroad, and his portraits and paintings are even printed in student textbooks, which is known to everyone, let alone these media workers.

"Song... Song Jin!"

"My God! It's really Song Lao!"


Out of respect for a respected master like Song Jin, all the reporters present stood up in unison.

Actually, Ning Xi didn't expect Song Jin to go out in person.

Gong Shangze has communication barriers, especially when he is facing the camera, so Han Momo appeared instead of him in the past, and this time it is naturally the same. However, this press conference is too important, and Gong Shangze is worried that Momo cannot convey it accurately...

When he was worried, Elder Song offered him to come forward.

For this, Ning Xi was naturally very grateful. In fact, she hoped that Elder Song would come forward from the very beginning, because unless the old man came forward in person, the cooperation between Ze Ling and Song Jin would be too unbelievable.

"Mr. Song, are you really cooperating with Zeling now?"

"Master, why did you choose to cooperate with Zeling instead of other more famous brands? It is said that even today's No. 1 Huaguofeng brand Bubu Shenglian once invited you to cooperate, but you did not agree!"

"History seems to have been invited too!"


The reporters asked fiercely at the scene, one after another, all about Song Jin...

Song Jin coughed lightly, and reminded with a little displeasure, "Today is the launch of Zeling's new product. I hope you can distinguish between priorities."

After saying this sentence, Song Jin didn't say any more, just stretched out his hand, and lifted off the cloth covering the clothes beside him.

After a "crash", the cloth was picked up, and the treasure of Zeling's town store revealed the true face of Mount Lu...

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