Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1185 Has someone been found?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The reporters who were still chattering about asking Song Jin just now stood there dumbfounded!

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful!"

"Is this the treasure of Zeling's town store?"

"I thought history's black faith was already the ultimate in stunning, but now, I see another extreme in a completely different style! This is really amazing!"

"ZX's personal style is perfectly integrated with Song Lao's traditional Chinese painting elements! The whole dress is simply like falling into a fairyland!"

"Old Song! Does this dress have a name?"


Song Jin was very satisfied with the reporter's reaction, stroked the white beard on his chin, and said gracefully, "It's as light as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon wandering. The chrysanthemums are flourishing and the chrysanthemums are flourishing, and the pine trees are flourishing. It's as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it's as bright as the sun rising into the morning glow; when you look at it under pressure, it's burning like a flower coming out of Lubo..."

After reading this, a reporter excitedly asked, "Could it be that the treasure of this store is called Luoshen?"

Song Jin nodded, "Not bad."

As soon as the words fell, there was another sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Luoshen... Luoshen... really lives up to its name!"

"It's so apt!"

"Zering is really shocking!"

"Isn't it? Every time there is an unexpected surprise!"


"What a pity?"

"Of course it's a pity... Even Master Song Jin has seen it this time, but I still haven't been able to meet the legendary designer ZX of Zeling!"

"Yes! It's so mysterious! What do you guys mean by the code name ZX?"

"Perhaps initials?"


in the corner.

Ning Xueluo was so angry that her entire face was distorted, "Damn it! Qin Zifan! What the hell is going on with you! You don't even know the big news that Zeling invited Song Jin!"

Qin Zifan was also in a cold sweat at the moment, what the hell, how could he have thought that Zeling could invite Song Jin!

Besides, he is only in charge of the marketing department, so this kind of design is not in his charge, okay?

"Where is Dai Wei!!!"

"I seem to be looking for someone..." Qin Zifan murmured weakly.

Ning Xueluo gritted her teeth fiercely, "Hmph, what Luoshen, that's all! As long as you find Han Xiao, once all living beings come out, they will absolutely crush Zeling..."

"Yes yes's natural..." Qin Zifan repeatedly echoed.

However, the corners of his mouth twitched secretly. The problem is, we have to find someone before talking!

The designer has a treacherous temperament, his whereabouts are erratic, and he has called and said that he is unwilling to use all sentient beings for them. Where can he find him now? It's useless to find it!

In fact, when Ning Xueluo invited that person at the beginning, he felt a little uneasy. He felt that Ning Xueluo would never be able to control this kind of person. There were too many uncertain factors. Now, the thing he was most worried about happened...

"Boss..." Ning Xueluo walked over panting, and it was Dai Wei.

"Have you found him?" Ning Xueluo asked immediately.

Dai Wei shook his head with an ugly face, " phone seems to have blocked me...I went to places where he might go to eat, but I couldn't find anyone..."

"Trash! It's been so long, don't you know where he lives?" Ning Xueluo scolded angrily.

Dai Wei's face became even more ugly, "I tried to follow him, but that guy was too vigilant and couldn't keep up. After a while, he was walking towards the cemetery in the middle of the dare I continue to follow..."

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