Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1186 The Second Store Treasure!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Then what should we do now, look at Ze Ling's works for yourself! Even Song Jin has been invited!" Ning Xueluo said angrily.

Dai Wei looked at the fairy-like white dress in the center of the stage, and Song Jin who was explaining, his expression was extremely ugly...

No, if he loses this game, where will his face be, and how will he gain a foothold in the company!

Dai Wei gritted his teeth, and said, "Boss! Don't worry! At worst, I'll go to the cemetery to find..."

"Then why don't you go!!!" Ning Xueluo said angrily with a suppressed voice.

——"My friends from the media, please don't leave the venue in a hurry. We Zeling released this time, and there is a second store treasure!"

On the stage, Xie Yichuan's voice came.

Dai Wei stopped in his tracks, and Ning Xueluo and Qin Zifan, who were about to leave, also looked at the stage at the same time, "What? There's a second one?"

Dai Wei's face paled, and then he sneered, "Looking at the first piece, the style of the second piece can basically be guessed, one and two are actually the same, besides, things are rare and expensive, of course there can only be one treasure in a town store, Zeling actually made two, it's so stupid..."

Qin Zifan looked towards the stage, "Can you design two treasures of the same quality in a short period of time? Even if the designer has that inspiration, but each piece of clothing is expensive, Zeling's working capital can't support it, right?"

On the stage, Song Jin had already left.

The introducer changed to a staff member in a black dress.

After two staff members carefully moved out the cloth-covered clothes, the staff in black dress came to Taichung. Before uncovering the cloth, Kuan Kui explained, "First of all, I need to explain to friends from the media that the design of this set of clothes was not made by our designer ZX, but another designer specially appointed by us. He designed this dress for us. It is the complete opposite style of Luoshen, aiming to give our consumers a different experience and meet everyone's more different needs..."

"Stop talking so much, quickly reveal it to me!"

"That's right, it's so mysterious!"

"It's a mule or a horse that brought it out for a walk!"


Listening to the staff's introduction, Ning Xueluo sneered, "A complete opposite style? Could it be that Zeling is planning to make one to fight against our black faith?"

Dai Wei naturally thought of this, "It's just a dream! No one can imitate Han Xiao's style!"

——"The name of our suit is——Sentient Beings!!!"

Hearing the word "all beings" on the stage, Dai Wei, Ning Xueluo, and Qin Zifan all changed their expressions.

"What? All beings?!"

"Did Zeling steal our idea?"


With a "crash", the cloth covering the clothes was lifted by the staff forcefully.

A set of extremely luxurious, extremely mysterious dresses full of strong oriental Chinese ancient colors appeared in front of everyone...

It's not about stealing ideas, it's not about imitating others!

It is sentient beings!

This dress turned out to be the "living beings" designed by Han Xiao! ! !

The three of them stood here in a daze, with disbelief all over their faces, and the expressions on their faces changed like a revolving lantern...

The sentient beings they lost, the sentient beings they searched all over the sky, unexpectedly appeared at the press conference of the treasure of the store in Zeling Town!

Their treasure of calm has become a spirit...? !

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