Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1187 almost vomiting blood

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

As soon as "All Beings" came out, countless reporters present couldn't help standing up because of being overly excited.

"Oh my god! I thought black faith was already the ultimate... I didn't expect..."

"This... this is really amazing!"

"What kind of aura is needed to hold this dress?"


Of course, there are some doubts mixed with praise.

"But, this is not Zeling's own design... Didn't the staff say it just now? It's a special designer!"

"What's wrong with the special contract? Do you think that the black belief in history was designed by Dai Wei himself? Although he has been ambiguous all the time trying to play the ball and make people mistakenly think it is his design, it is definitely not his design, okay? Didn't you also invite foreign aid!"

"Although a designer's style can be changeable, there are critical points and barriers. How can the same person control such a large span? There is nothing wrong with Zeling asking for foreign aid! What's more, History did it first!"

"Speaking of which... why do I feel that black faith is so similar to the style of sentient beings?"

"No matter what, Zeling really won a big victory this time!"

"Hahaha... Today is really exciting, there are some headlines written!"


Seeing Zeling's staff introduce the hype on it, and listening to the media's endless amazement and praise, Ning Xueluo was so angry that she almost vomited blood!

What style like!

That's the same guy who designed it!

That's something from their history! ! !

Ning Xueluo took a deep breath before suppressing the fishy sweetness in her throat, "Go... go and call the police, and tell me that History stole our huge store treasure!"

When Dai Wei heard this, he wondered, "Boss... this... I'm afraid it's inappropriate... Although I don't know how Zeling did it, this suit was definitely given to them by Han Xiao voluntarily..."

"So what! The jewels, diamonds, and emeralds on that suit are all my money!" Ning Xueluo growled almost out of control.

"Boss, keep your voice down..." Dai Wei pulled Ning Xueluo into a corner, "Although that's what you said, but, Boss, we didn't take any money from our black belief Han Xiao before. If we really wanted to count the money, we couldn't stand up... Besides, he didn't sign a contract with us... We voluntarily provided him with these materials..."

"Don't mention the black faith to me, does a defeated design still have the slightest meaning?" Ning Xueluo's face was filled with sullenness.

Of course Dai Wei also knew this, "But, things are already like this..."

"So, are you going to let me swallow my anger and let me watch myself make a wedding dress for Ze Ling?"

Dai Wei was also full of anger at the moment, "Boss, of course I don't want to! But, Han Xiao, I really can't mess with you. If you don't believe me, then all the consequences will come, Boss. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Dai Wei's words were very serious, and Ning Xueluo had also heard about Han Xiao's deeds from him. Even though she was so angry that she was about to explode, she naturally didn't dare to do anything...

"Dai Wei, listen clearly, all the things now are caused by your incompetence, you know what to do!" Ning Xueluo gave an ultimatum.

Dai Wei's fingers by his side were tightly clenched into fists...

It's not that the design he stole from Gong Shangze is completely used up, but because of the limited quantity, he didn't restrain himself from using up too much earlier, and now he can't just take it out before the critical moment...

But now, it seems that a few pieces must be brought out...

Now, every time I take out one, it's like cutting his flesh...

[Thank you for the monthly pass, babies, continuing to code~mua(* ̄3 ̄)o~~]

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