Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1188 I Only Eat, Not Chat!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zeling's press conference was successfully concluded. Since he took the initiative to fight the war not long ago, he has won a beautiful battle this time.

Not long after the press conference ended, the Internet was full of reports about the conference. There were too many highlights and surprises in Zeling’s press conference. With the background of the history of “spreading media pigeons” and “empty city plans”, Zeling’s popularity exploded all of a sudden, and public opinion turned to Zeling’s side...

Seeing that everything was going well, Ning Xi's nerves that had been tense for so many days finally relaxed, and then she took out her mobile phone to call Han Xiao and invite him to dinner.

In order to show sincerity, he was invited to the house this time, and Gong Shangze, Han Momo, Qiao Weilan and others were invited. Elder Song said he would not disturb their young people's party, so he did not come.

"Great God, come over to eat, we all want to thank you very much, you are such a big gift, we must invite you for a meal, I'm here in Taohuawu!" Ning Xi warmly invited.

"Too far away." Han Xiao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Then where do you live, I'll pick you up from the head office, alright, my god!"

"Longqianshan Cemetery."

"..." Hearing these words, Ning Xi's face turned as black as charcoal, "No...sorry, I can't pick up this place. How about another place, Pearl River Emperor? Shouldn't this be closer?"

"Yes." Han Xiao finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Ning Xi looked at the phone that had been hung up, and was speechless for a while.

Nima, does anyone live in the cemetery? Are you not afraid of being scared to death? She didn't know where to complain...

However, she seemed to recall that last time he seemed to have said that he was still a grave keeper?

The guy's career span... is beyond comprehension...

Ning Xi had no choice but to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and then went to Zhujiang Dijing to prepare meals. Fortunately, although she moved, the kitchen utensils here are all readily available.

Gong Shangze and the others came over one after another, while Ning Xi was preparing in the kitchen.

Seeing the dishes prepared by Ning Xi on the table, Gong Shangze, Han Momo and the others had weird expressions.

Han Momo looked at the pots of food on the table, and swallowed, "Sister Xi, are you cooking too much?"

Ning Xi smiled, "Not much, definitely not much! I'm afraid it won't be enough, wait, there are still a few dishes in the kitchen!"

The doorbell rang, and Ning Xi hurried over to open the door, and sure enough it was Han Xiao who came over.

He was still wearing black and white striped sportswear, and the hat on his head was taken off, revealing a head of straight, long hair like black ink.

In other words, it was really the first time she saw such a good-looking man with long hair...

"Master, you really know how to pick the time to come, the food is just right! Sit down quickly, the meal can be served!"

"Yeah." Han Xiao sat down at the table.

Ning Xi brought out the last pot of pig's trotters and sat down.

"Mr. Han, I offer you a toast. Your design is really amazing. I hope to have the opportunity to communicate with you more in the future!" Gong Shangze raised his glass.

Han Momo on the side also said, "This time, it's really thanks to Mr. Han that the press conference was a success, and History is so angry, thank you very much!"

Then, Qiao Weilan and Xie Yichuan also said a few words respectively.

However, Han Xiao's expression turned ugly for some reason...

Seeing this, Ning Xi didn't know which sentence offended the Great Master, so she hurriedly asked, "Hey, Great Master, what's wrong?"

Han Xiao looked up at her, "Didn't you invite me to dinner?"

Ning Xi nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes!"

Han Xiao continued, "I only eat, not chat."

The expressions of everyone on the table: "..."

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