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"Hahaha...then I'll wait for you!" the auctioneer laughed.

Soon, Zhao Haisheng came back from the phone call, and said with a smile, "My wife said it was too expensive to shoot, you guys go on, go on!"

"Ms. Zhao is really virtuous in managing the house!" The auctioneer smiled and said, and then looked at Mr. Sun, "What about Mr. Sun? Do you want to continue?"

"Fifty-six million!" Sun Zhanpeng glanced in Ning Xi's direction, as if to show off his strength to the beauty, he said proudly.

"56 million! Mr. Sun asked for 56 million! Will the two Mr. Su continue!" The auctioneer looked at Su Yan and Su Xun brothers with bright eyes.

Su Xun's complexion was already extremely ugly, and his endurance had reached the limit. If he continued to drive, even if it was photographed, it would be a big loss for him just to hold his breath! His few remaining supporters will also have a problem with him because of his irrational behavior...

In the end, Su Xun could only grit his teeth sullenly and said, "I give up!"

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter, and Ning Xueluo also had a look of sarcasm on her face, hmph, it's ridiculous that an illegitimate child wants to compete with Su Yan for the limelight.

Because the competition for this auction was too fierce, Xiaotao was dazzled by the sight in the corner, and she was so nervous that she almost forgot the anger just now. She pulled Ning Xi's sleeve and said nervously, "Sister Xi, who do you think will get this crown?"

Ning Xi yawned out of boredom, "Who knows... Anyway, it has nothing to do with us..."

What kind of charity dinner? It's enough to watch these so-called celebrities and wealthy businessmen pretending to be there for a long time...

It would be better for her to donate the money directly to those who need it, but this is the way it is in this business. It needs to be a show, and there is no way. No matter how much she donates in private, no matter how much charity she does, others will not know and say hello to her. Of course, she did it out of her heart, and she didn't need it.

Sixty million is a hurdle, and it is estimated that the winner will be decided soon. Ning Xi packed her bags and prepared to leave the venue and go home to sleep...

Xiaotao was still muttering excitedly, "Although I don't want it very much, I guess I will be photographed by Su Yan in the end... Ning Xueluo said directly when she was outside before that she came here for the crown...The Su family is so rich..."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Su Yan jumped up and asked the price: "Sixty million!!!"

"Six...sixty million!" The auctioneer's eyes widened, "Mr. Su has asked for 60 million! No one continues? Mr. Sun, do you want to continue the auction? Mr. Sun?"

Sun Zhanpeng blushed and his neck was thick when he was asked, and he didn't speak for a long time. Obviously, the price was beyond his ability to bear.

It's not that he can't afford the money, but spending 60 million just to buy such a gadget, as a businessman, he would never do such a thing no matter how much he wants to save face.

The auctioneer also knew that this price was very rare, so he accepted it and shouted, "Mr. Su Yan, 60 million a time!"

At this moment, the audience has already started to express their admiration, congratulations and compliments to Su Yan...

"As expected of the Su family, they really are rich and powerful! Even Sun Zhanpeng stopped cooking!"

"Ning Xueluo is so lucky. If someone spends so much money to buy a crown for me, I will wake up laughing..."

"Congratulations, Young Master Su! You really worked hard for the beauty haha!"

"What's the deal? This small amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for Young Master Su!"

"Hahaha, that's..."

"Remember to invite us to the wedding ceremony of the two of you!"


Su Yan humbly responded to everyone's compliments one by one. In fact, at this moment, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew in his heart that 60 million was already the reserve price in his heart. If Sun Zhanpeng continued to bid, he might not follow.

However, listening to the compliments from everyone at this moment, she still felt great satisfaction in her heart. Ning Xueluo beside her was holding Su Yan's arm affectionately, and her face was filled with happiness and sweetness.

On the stage, the auctioneer has already started to confirm for the second time: "60 million twice!"

"Sixty million...Three times!!!" Following this voice, the auctioneer raised the auction mallet in his hand high. Once the mallet fell, it was unexpected that the auction was completed.

The scene stared with bated breath, waiting for the moment when the hammer fell.

However, just as the auctioneer's hand hanging in the air was half down, in the quiet air, in an inconspicuous corner at the back, a sign marked with the number "Number 8" was slowly raised up - "100 million!"

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