Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1199 Inhumanity!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

One... one hundred million...! ?

The auctioneer was so frightened that he almost threw the mallet in his hand, and managed to stabilize himself in a hurry. He swallowed hard, and said intermittently, "Eight... No. 8 just... just asked for a price of 100 million! Mr. No. 8 asked for 100 million!!! God!"

Among the people who came today, many were anonymous, and No. 8 was one of them, so the auctioneer only knew that it was a man, but he didn't know where he came from, and he had been calling him by a code name all the time.

After the auctioneer's voice fell, the scene remained silent for a long time. After a long while, everyone gasped one after another as if waking up from a dream. Some even stood up excitedly and looked towards the corner where no one cared. However, there seemed to be only one person sitting at the table in the corner, and it was against the light. For a moment, it was impossible to see who that person was, but only a white hand with distinct knuckles holding a sign...

"I...I'm going! Did I hear wrong just now! 100 million? Someone asked for 100 million? Are you crazy? Who in the imperial capital has such inhumane financial resources? Most importantly, is there anyone who asks for such a price? Throwing money for fun!"

"Isn't it just throwing money for fun! 100 million, just take an accessory!"

"Wait! Wait! This isn't quite right... If I'm not mistaken, the one holding up the sign just now is... No. 8... No. 8? Isn't No. 8 the nurse of that little artist named Ning Xi?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I remember that too! Just now he raised the price one by one, and it jumped to 100 million! This... what's going on!"


Not to mention the celebrities under the stage, the auctioneer himself was stunned. He had been an auctioneer for so many years, and it was the first time he had seen such an asking price. It jumped from 60 million to 100 million in one fell swoop. The price was just like a joke!

In the end, the host wiped sweat, and came up to remind him that the auctioneer reacted to continue his duties and took a deep breath to slowly say, "Cough, everyone is quiet, quiet, our auction will continue! High price! That's right! You didn't hear it right, it's 100 million! Now! Are there any people going to the bidding? Is there any more? "

Excited, the auctioneer uttered this series of lines aloud in an encouraging tone.

In his hands, the auctioned item was sold at a price that was so much higher than the low price. This is definitely a glorious resume in his career!

After the auctioneer finished speaking, the scene was dead silent.

The auctioneer's eyes subconsciously looked towards Su Yan, who was already in his pocket. The latter's face was obviously very dark.

To be cut off suddenly, or at such a price that absolutely crushes him so that he has no strength to resist, no one will be in a good mood...

And Ning Xueluo, who was enjoying everyone's envious eyes, turned green, and hurriedly looked at Chang Li beside her, "What's going on? Isn't No. 8 one of yours?"

Chang Li was really confused now, and had to tell the truth, "No... No... Actually, I wanted to say it just now... I didn't arrange No. 8... I don't know who he is..."

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