Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1215 Crazy Amway

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

what's it like to...

Stunning and throbbing beyond gender, age and everything...

The big screen is the most test for actors, because even the slightest flaw will be magnified countless times. However, the young people in the film seem to be born for the big screen, everything is perfect and impeccable.

Shen Hanchen couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, even though the other person in the film was himself...even though he had NGed this scene countless times at the beginning, and knew every detail like the back of his hand...

However, when he watched it again as an audience, he was completely attracted by the young people on the screen.

"Ahhhhhhh... so handsome! Even more handsome than on the poster! I just said I made the right choice!" A girl exclaimed in front of her.

Then, the girl murmured suspiciously, "But the man in the black suit next to him is not bad, is he the male supporting role?"

Shen Hanchen recovered from his astonishment: "..." I am the hero! ! !

The girl's boyfriend also seems to have raised his spirits, "A man like me was caught in seconds just now! That simply amazing!"

More excited than the girls are the two female students in the middle.

"Ahh! So handsome, so handsome! I didn't expect there to be such a handsome newcomer in the entertainment industry!"

"Well, I seem to... smell a little love..."

"Me too, me too! Oh, what a move!"


Daringly, these are still two rotten girls...

Although there are not many audiences in this hall, everyone is quite representative.

Next, the only five viewers obviously focused their attention on the film.

As the film progressed, when they learned that the woman in the white suit turned out to be the heroine disguised as a man... There was another burst of excited exclamation in the theater.

"Ahhh! That's the heroine! That's the heroine! Oh my god! There is a woman so handsome!"

"It simply doesn't give us men a way to live..."

"Where's my sketchbook! Where's my little notebook! It's over, it's over! Inspiration is flowing! It feels like I can fight a hundred fan comics of this movie tonight!" The girl excitedly took out a drawing book and pen from her bag, and she seemed to be a painter.


For the next hour or so, there were only a few people in the cinema, except for the elite female audience in front of Ning Xi who was still quiet. The young couple and the two female students screamed from beginning to end. During the period, the four of them turned around to apologize to them.

Especially those two female students, who hugged each other excitedly and exclaimed once every three minutes on average.

It is worth mentioning that two viewers came in halfway, and they seemed to be late, with regretful expressions all the time, and muttering that they must come to watch it again tomorrow.

After the movie ends.

that night.

The female artist crazily shared the "Dream Seeker" I watched tonight on her Qzone, circle of friends, Weibo, Twitter, etc., and accompanied it with her own comics——

[I found a great movie tonight! The name is "Dream Seeker", you must watch it! Must see! Must see! Say important things three times! After reading it, I believe you will come back and thank me! ]

The female artist is well-known in the circle, often draws fan pictures of popular movies or novels, and has a large number of loyal fans.

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