Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1216 When a girl looks handsome

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After seeing their favorite late night Amway movie, fans expressed their curiosity...

[Wow! Da Da actually made an Amway movie! It's still a domestic drama! Didn't you say last time that you will never watch domestic dramas again? ]

[Fuck, shit, shit! I went to search for the trailer of "Dream Seeker", and the female coach exploded! The plot is also very interesting! Going to brush it tomorrow! ]

[I'm going too, I'm going too! It just so happens that there is nothing I want to see recently, so there is no mistake in recommending it! ]


The female artist's boyfriend's personal news is all about showing affection, and it is rare to post a movie-related one tonight.

[Today I watched a movie called "Dream Seeker", in which the heroine is super awesome, she can easily switch between the goddess and the male god just by putting on makeup. In fact, when girls are handsome, men really don't care! Especially for those who have just finished watching "I Only Like You", Wall Crack recommends watching this "Dream Seeker", you will know that without comparison, there is no harm (spread hands)]

There are two pictures below this post, which are two photos taken directly from the movie, one is the heroine in women's clothing, and the other is the heroine in men's clothing.

As for the two female students, they live near the cinema, and they have already made an appointment to come over for a second or third time at another day. Of course, Amway, who bombarded them in various fan groups...

And the same situation is still spreading among many viewers who saw this movie by chance today. Although the number of people who watched the movie on the first day was very small, almost all the people who watched it started word of mouth after they came back. Like a spark, it quietly spread to every corner...


After the movie ended, a woman in a champagne dress left the screening room expressionlessly.

The woman walked neatly and made a call immediately while walking, "Hello, Deputy Manager Zhang..."

"President Fang! It's so late, what do you need from me?" A man's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's the current filming rate of "Dream Seeker"?" The woman asked straight to the point.

"Looking...Dream Seeker?" The person on the other end of the phone probably didn't have any memory, and didn't remember which movie it was for a while.

"Shen Mian's new movie." The woman reminded.

"Ah! Director Shen's new movie?" The person on the other end of the phone finally remembered, "Wait a minute, I'll check it out... I found it, and the screening rate is about 5%!"

The woman frowned, "So low?"

The person on the other end of the phone hurriedly said, "Boss Fang, you don't know something. Although this film is directed by Shen Mian, this time it is a small-cost production with only a few million investment, and all the faces are used. The only heroine who has ever worked on a film is also the first time to play a heroine. There is no cast, no topicality, and no big company. It will definitely not be able to handle the box office. The 5% is still for Shen Mian's face..."

"Have you seen this movie?" the woman asked.

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, "That's not true, but I have definitely considered all factors..."

As professionals, when arranging films, they will have a basic prediction before the film is released, and then estimate the number of films scheduled.

However, these days, everyone is watching the movie because of the popularity of the movie, and there are almost no people who actually go to see the content of the movie. This is already the norm in the industry, and it is not surprising.

After listening, the woman didn't say anything, and said directly, "Tomorrow, increase the screening rate of this film to 60%!"

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