Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1232 Don't overestimate my self-control

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

It was also a coincidence that the next day happened to catch up with the national statutory holiday, and the major theaters also gave "Dream Seeker" the largest screening rate.

The holidays, the super high rate of filming, and the publicity effect of Ning Xi's Weibo, the three-pronged approach can be described as the right time, place and people.

On the third morning, the box office data of "Dream Seeker" came out the day before——

802 million!

In just one day, in 24 hours, the box office reached a terrifying figure of 800 million, breaking the single-day box office record of 798 million on the day of the premiere of the comedy king Pang Xun last year by a small gap!

The current total box office has reached 1.8 billion.

If this situation continues to develop, not only the single-day box office record, but also the total box office record is very likely to be broken.

When everyone thought that one billion was almost the peak, such a blowout box office figure and such a terrible stamina stunned all the media and insiders!

At the same time, as expected by Shen Mian, Ning Xi's Weibo requests for women's clothing also began to wave after wave.

Although Ning Xi dressed up in men's clothes most of the time in the play, things were rare and expensive. Not only were the few women's clothes not ignored, but they left a deeper impression on the audience, especially when they were regarded as classics by a large group of men.

Many male viewers had the same mentality as Shen Hanchen and Qi Fang back then, because Ning Xi acted so well that they completely forgot that she was a woman. Seeing her being so popular with girls, especially those with wives and girlfriends, seeing their wives and girlfriends being so obsessed with Ning Xi, they couldn't help but feel bad.

However, when they watched the movie together and saw how amazing the heroine in the movie was when she regained her women's clothing, they decisively became Ning Xi's fanatical fans along with their own wife.

In the past, couples who were often jealous because of each other's star-chasing, fell in love with an idol at the same time this time, which is unusually harmonious, and their enthusiasm for star-chasing is also doubled.

Early in the morning, Ning Xi's phone calls were about to explode, they were all congratulations, and of course Shen Mian reminded her again to prepare benefits.

Ning Xi originally thought that breaking the record would not be so fast, but she didn't expect that it would break after a day, so she hurriedly called the big devil and made an appointment with him to come and take pictures for her after he finished his work.


After Lu Tingxiao came over, Ning Xi jumped over and squeezed her shoulders and thumped her back, "Master Boss, the photos you took last time were really great. Director Shen asked me to ask you to take them again this time!"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at her lightly, and then asked, "This time, are you going to shoot women's clothing?"

Ning Xi nodded again and again, "Yes, yes! Boss, you are so smart!"

"No." Lu Tingxiao said two words directly.

Ning Xi: "!!!"

The Great Demon King actually refused...

Ning Xi was immediately disappointed, "Why?"

Lu Tingxiao: "I can't help it."

Hearing these three words, Ning Xi almost choked on her own saliva. It took her a long time to recover, and coughed lightly, "But, didn't you do a good job last time..."

"Do you think I can hold back men's clothes and women's clothes as well?" Lu Tingxiao said blankly, "Don't overestimate my self-control."

Ning Xi: "..."

Seeing Lu Tingxiao's "resolute disobedience" appearance, Ning Xi had a headache.

This guy, he refused to shoot this time, is it really just because of this?

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