Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1233 Little Treasure is very happy

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The photos this time were quite important. Ning Xi wanted to take the first time with the same quality and natural effect, and didn't want to hire a professional photographer who would look too deliberate, so she really didn't know who to go to for a while.

Just as I was worrying, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my mind, "Ah! I have it!"

Hmph, he's not the only reliable man in the family!

"Little Treasure is coming out of school soon, I'll pick him up from school!" Ning Xi said happily.

It has been decided, this time I will ask the little baby to help her take the photos.

Today is different from the past. Ever since Ning Xi became famous overnight, going out now is definitely not as convenient as before.

In the past, she often went out in men's clothes for convenience, but now women's clothes are safer than men's clothes.

Fortunately, the parent's name she registered with the teacher before was "Tang Xi", and the reason for her appearance can be justified by the reason that she looks like a big star.

However, to be on the safe side, Ning Xi still didn't get out of the car, and Lu Tingxiao went down to pick up Xiaobao.

Although Papa personally came to pick him up from school today, Xiao Baozi expressed his composure.

Outside the car window, Ning Xi saw the little guy carrying a small schoolbag on his shoulders, being held by Lu Tingxiao's little hand, with an ice-cold face just like Lu Tingxiao's, walking towards the car expressionlessly.

The dialogue between father and son is also very speechless...

Lu Tingxiao: "What did the teacher teach at school today?"

Xiaobao: "I don't know."

Lu Tingxiao: "How are you getting along with your classmates? Have you chatted with them?"

Xiao Bao: "Boring."

Lu Tingxiao: "How was the result of this quiz?"

Xiaobao: "It's okay."


The father and son walked to the car while having a speechless father-son exchange.

Lu Tingxiao stepped forward and opened the back seat door, and then, the little bun outside the door froze for a moment...

"Mom!" The little guy's paralyzed face immediately showed a soft and cute expression, and he called "Mom" softly, and happily climbed into the car and threw himself into Ma Ma's arms.

"Little Treasure!" Ning Xi hugged the little guy and kissed the little guy's soft cheek.

"Mom, are you here to pick up Xiaobao?" The little guy's eyes were as bright as stars in the sky.

"Yes, but I didn't get out of the car because I was afraid of being recognized. Xiaobao, don't be angry with mom!"

The little guy immediately shook his head vigorously, "Xiaobao will never be angry with his mother, and Xiaobao is already very happy to see his mother!"

Seeing his son's completely different expression after seeing Ning Xi and his different treatment, Lu Tingxiao said that he was used to it...

The car started slowly.

Ning Xi was so moved that she immediately kissed the little guy again, then hugged Xiaobao and chatted, "Honey, what did the teacher teach today?"

"Mom, the teacher taught arithmetic, drawing, and nursery rhymes!"

"Do you get along well with your classmates? Have you chatted with the children in the class?"

"Mom, Xiaobao has some. Xiaobao listens to her mother and chats with children."

"So cute!"

The little Baozi who was praised had a happy expression on his face, then he turned his head and took out a test paper from his schoolbag, unfolded it in front of Ning Xi, "Mom, Xiaobao got 100 points in the test!"

Ning Xi looked at the bright red full marks on the test paper and was even more happy, "My little treasure is amazing!"

She knew that Xiaobao didn't like to waste time on boring things, but he did the kindergarten level test paper and got 100 points in the test, obviously to make her happy.

Thinking of this, her heart softened into a mess...

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