Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1308 A Mobile Gold Mountain

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The arrogant white hair, coupled with that monstrous appearance, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

If an ordinary person had a head of white hair, thunder would kill him, but this person didn't seem to be in any disobedience, but he should have been like this, like a poppy, who knew it was poisonous, but still fell into it involuntarily .

Many rich and famous ladies stared at it infatuatedly...

"Who is that man?"

"Okay... so handsome! But why have I never seen it before? Logically speaking, if I have seen such a special temperament, it is impossible for me not to be impressed!"


Amidst the buzzing whispers, someone in the crowd exclaimed excitedly, "Then... is that the legendary Mr. Yun?"

"Huh? Which Yun Boss?"

"The president of Yilan Innovation Investment Group!!!"

"Damn it! Isn't it! Is that the chaebol who suddenly appeared not long ago and is said to have returned home with a huge sum of money?"

"This... I'm not sure, because no one has seen what the boss looks like, and I don't know how old he is, but there are rumors that he has white hair and this man's bearing, so I have Doubt!"


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, but they didn't dare to rush forward because they were not sure about the identity of that person.

Until, the boss of Mingyuan Technology, the organizer of the reception, hurriedly greeted the white-haired man, accompanied by his special assistant, wiped his sweat, and then led the man in respectfully...

Seeing this scene, the scene suddenly sounded one after another gasping for air!

"'s really him?"

"There is no mistake, that person must be Yun Shen, the CEO of Yilan Venture Capital! Mingyuan Technology was originally just an upper-middle-level technology company, and it was because of this Yilan Venture Capital that it invested a billion yuan to make the leap. Become the leader in the industry!"

"Oh my God!"


In an instant, the eyes of almost all the bosses at the scene lit up. In their eyes, Yilan Venture Capital is simply a huge golden mountain!

What's more, Yilan Venture Capital has just started here and is looking for a suitable investment partner. This is the best time to make friends...

All of a sudden, people rushed forward one after another impatiently, trying to get a piece of fat.

Of course, it is more taboo to rush forward on such an occasion, but it is in accordance with the etiquette to be recommended by someone. Therefore, Cui Mingyuan, the boss of Mingyuan Technology, was suddenly busy. Of course, although he was busy, he still invited this person to attend. Feeling very honorable, his slightly fat face was full of red light.

At that time, he just sent the invitation with the attitude of giving it a try. He thought that the other party would definitely not be invited, so he didn't disclose this matter to anyone at the scene. How could he know that they actually came in the end? flatter him...

Yilan Venture Capital invested in several emerging companies as soon as it settled in China, and all of them made a lot of money. There have long been legends about this young CEO in the upper circles of the imperial capital. The last side is harder than climbing to the sky. Now that there is such a good opportunity, how could the guests tonight not seize it quickly...

Even Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu forgot about Ning Xi in an instant, they searched for connections everywhere, and wanted to find someone to introduce them to.

As for Ning Xi... After confirming that the person was really Yun Shen, she was racking her brains to find a way to escape...

She doesn't know much about the business district. Yilan Venture Capital only heard about it a few times, but she never expected that the president of this company would be Yun Shen!

She thought this guy was only returning to the country temporarily, but now it seems that he has moved to the country step by step...

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