Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1309 That woman is blind

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The group of people happened to be blocking the door, Ning Xi searched for a long time but couldn't find a chance to leave, so she could only find a corner to sit down and wait for that person to leave.

Based on what she knew about that person, he shouldn't stay here for too long.

It's just that this time, that guy didn't know whether he was sincerely against her or what, but he never meant to leave...

"Mr. Yun is really young and promising. It is really admirable to have such achievements at this age! I wonder what kind of industry Mr. Yun was engaged in before?"

To be able to accumulate such terrifying wealth...

Others are also very curious about this question, and they all suspect that he is a member of an heir of a long-established foreign clan.

The slender fingers of the white-haired man were gently pinching a red wine glass filled with scarlet wine, and he said unhurriedly, "Arms."

As soon as the voice fell, the scene was dead silent.

Then there was a dry coughing voice, "Hahahaha... Mr. Yun is really humorous!"

"Yes, yes! Mr. Yun is really good at making jokes!"


"I wonder if Mr. Yun has a girlfriend?"

Obviously, this issue is also of concern to all the bosses present here who have daughters.

The white-haired man glanced in some direction, and said quietly, "I had it, but I was dumped."

"Cough... cough cough cough... Boss Yun is joking again! How could a woman dump Boss Yun!"

"That's right! That woman must be blind!"


Ning Xi, who was blind not far away, said, "..."

"Mr. Yun's return to China to invest and support the country's construction and development is really a righteous deed. I wonder which industries you are more interested in?" someone asked.

Yun Shen: "It depends on your mood."

Everyone: "..."

Nima! Can we still have a pleasant chat?

I have no choice but to continue talking!

Okay, okay, you have money and you are right, whatever you say is what you say...


Ning Xi watched helplessly as every word Yun Shen said was instantly cold, while the group of people continued to chat awkwardly with incomparable tenacity. Ning Xi admired their psychological quality very much.

She waited here and there, but she didn't wait until Yun Shen left, but she got into trouble...

She was sitting in the corner trying to minimize her presence, when a pungent smell of alcohol gradually approached, a drunken man in his forties or fifties staggered up to her with a beer belly, " are Ning Xi?"

"What advice does this gentleman have?" Ning Xi frowned slightly.

"How much... how much..." the man asked with his tongue out.

"What?" Ning Xi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Let me ask you! How much is it for one night!" The beer belly asked impatiently, with the smell of alcohol in his mouth.

The man's voice was a little loud, gradually attracting some attention that was originally on Yunshen's side...

"Sir, you are drunk." Ning Xi did not want to attract attention and be discovered, so she tried her best to calm down.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you how much it is! Hehe, everyone says you are very proud, I want to see how difficult it is for you to sleep..." The more the beer belly said, the worse it sounded.

A hotel manager noticed the commotion here, and hurried over to make a rescue, but that person probably drank too much, swearing and utterly refusing to listen to persuasion, all the guests who came here were distinguished guests, and the hotel manager didn't dare to offend them. The atmosphere has reached a deadlock...

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