Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1310 What Evil Did She Do?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The beer belly pointed to a table full of poured white wine on the bar beside him, and said in a rough voice, "I just want money! I have plenty of money! You just have to drink all the wine for me, and I will invest 50 million yuan in you." play!"

Because there was so much commotion here, everyone was alarmed in the end, including the person who was starred by everyone...

The veins on Ning Xi's forehead were throbbing violently, damn it! What evil did she do!

Once you meet that guy, nothing good will happen...

"Wow! Fifty million!"

"For those female artists in the entertainment industry, drinking a little wine and sleeping with them can reap such a big benefit. It's actually a lot of money!"

"That girl is backed by Ning Qiutong!"

"I think Ning Qiutong's motives for supporting this girl are not pure... but she is an adopted daughter. Who doesn't know what the greatest role of an adopted daughter is?"


Ning Xueluo looked at the farce not far away, and listened to the discussions in her ears, her face was full of complacent mockery.

"Ning Yaohua, look at your good daughter. I told you to find a way to get her away, but you insisted that it was all right!" Zhuang Lingyu's face was extremely gloomy.

Even if she is only an adopted daughter, it is enough to lose her identity. If someone finds out that she is her own, she can hardly imagine...

Ning Yaohua's complexion was also not very good-looking, so he could only say with a tiger's face, "What did you scold me for? This is also an accident! How can I count?"

Ying Fanglin who was on the side comforted her, "Oh uncle and auntie, don't be angry, after all Ning Xi is in the entertainment circle and she is pretty, such things are inevitable!"

Jin Xuanxuan immediately continued, "What, why doesn't Xueluo encounter such a thing? Flies don't bite seamless eggs, okay! It's not because of her own indiscretion!"

The two of them sang together, which made Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Yaohua's faces even uglier, but at this moment, neither of them wanted to step forward to make a rescue, and if they did, they would have to face the eyes of other people watching the show.

Anyway, she was brought by Ning Qiutong, so she has nothing to do with them, so it's better to get rid of all the relationship directly, so as not to cause a commotion...

Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu looked at each other, they both asked for their ideas and ignored them.

Not far away, the drunken beer belly was still relentless, "Drink! Why! Still too little? An actor! Do you still think you are a famous lady?"

People around were staring in Ning Xi's direction and whispering...

"Do you think this girl can drink?"

"So much wine, you must drink to death..."

"But it's 50 million! Who can control it? Drink it to death! What do you want to save face?"


Anyway, they've already been discovered, and Ning Xi didn't plan to pretend to be a grandson any more. A sneer smirked at the corner of her mouth, she stretched her voice, and said slowly, "What a coincidence, I like watching people drink too much, this one Sir, if you drank all the wine on stage, how about I give you one billion?"

As soon as the voice fell, after a brief silence at the scene, there was an uproar...

"Hey! This girl is so daring! A billion! Where did she get a billion!"

"It doesn't matter, Qian Caijun doesn't know how to drink anyway!"

"I suddenly admired this girl a little bit, it's really touching!"

"Hahaha... I hate those who insult people by drinking to go crazy. Even if you want to find a woman to play with, you don't have to make trouble with a girl in public like this?"


Not far away, the eyes of the white-haired man danced with dazzling brilliance, and a low chuckle came out of his throat, "Heh..."

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