Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1311 I will give you a billion

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

From the day she chose to enter the entertainment industry, Ning Xi was already mentally prepared.

This kind of thing is too much and too common, the one in front of me can only be regarded as a small case.

In the past, she might have chosen to keep things quiet, but today, she came with Ning Qiutong. If she really did nothing and let this man find fault, Ning Qiutong would lose face.

Moreover, before she said this just now, she had secretly asked the waiter to help find Ning Qiutong.

Now that she has dealt with it, it will be fine to delay until Ning Qiutong arrives.

"Ten... one billion? You bastard! You're playing tricks on me!" The beer belly roared angrily.

Ning Xi said with an innocent face, "Sir, I'm serious, otherwise you can finish drinking and try to see if I'm playing tricks on you!"

As soon as the words fell, there was another roar of laughter around.

"This girl is interesting!"

"It's really interesting! She's pretty and smart too!"


Ning Xi obviously relied on Qian Caijun's absolute inability to drink, that's why she opened her mouth so loudly.

"You...don't talk nonsense to me here! Just say whether you want to drink this wine or not!" Qian Caijun's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was humiliated by a woman under the eyes of everyone. How could he let it go? .

In fact, seeing this, many people are already on Ning Xi's side. Even if Ning Xi is an adopted daughter and an artist, Qian Caijun's approach is really too low...

On the contrary, Ning Xi's neither humble nor overbearing way of coping won the praise of many people.

It's just that this Qian Caijun has a bit of power in the imperial capital, and he has an official brother, so no one rushes to offend him at the moment, and can only silently lament that this girl is also unlucky...

Qian Caijun was still pestering, and Ning Xi was stalling for time, when the crowd not far away suddenly moved out of the way.

I saw the white-haired man who she had been hiding from just now, passing through the crowd, walking towards her and Qian Caijun step by step...

Ning Xi immediately concentrated her attention and activated the first level of alert.

What is this guy trying to do again?

When the others saw Yun Shen walking over, they also subconsciously looked over...

"Mr. Qian." The man stopped in front of Qian Caijun and greeted him.

After that Qian Caijun saw Yun Shen, his expression changed, and he suddenly became sober, "Yun... President Yun!"

Unexpectedly, Yun Shen would take the initiative to talk to him, Qian Caijun hurriedly rubbed his hands on the clothes, and then handed them over, "It's a pleasure to meet you! I have made an appointment to see you, but you are a busy person with so much to do... ..."

Qian Caijun wasn't sure what Yun Shen wanted to do when he took the initiative to find him, so he could only flatter him first.

Yun Shen didn't reach out, but Qian Caijun didn't care, he completely forgot about Ning Xi, and continued to talk about his project eloquently, "Mr. Yun, if you invest in my project, you will definitely not lose... You don't have to worry about the side relationship at all..."

Before he finished speaking, the white-haired man with a beautiful face said quietly, "It's not impossible to invest."

Qian Caijun's expression brightened immediately, "What does Mr. Yun mean?"

Ning Xi also had a nervous face, ready to deal with emergencies at any time...

Under everyone's gaze, Yun Shen said unhurriedly, "I don't have any other hobbies, but I like to watch people drink. If Mr. Qian can drink all the wine, I'll give it to you... Billion!"

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