Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1317 Who is she nobler than?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Xueluo, what the hell is going on here? Is your aunt crazy? She even said that Ning Xi is the eldest lady of the Ning family, and why did you hug Ning Xi wrongly back then?" Ying Fanglin's face was filled with disbelief.

Ning Xueluo pinched her nails tightly, and said with a puzzled face, "I don't know why aunt would say that..."

Ying Fanglin and Jin Xuanxuan looked at each other in dismay when they heard the words, but only half believed what Ning Xueluo said.

This matter... there are indeed too many weird places...

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's pleasure. I wish you all a pleasant night. I will hold a banquet to apologize to everyone if I have the opportunity some other day!" Ning Qiutong finished speaking without leaking anything, and then led Ning Xi away, leaving behind her glasses-shattered eyes. A group of people and the despondent Ning Yaohua and his wife.

Regarding this matter, Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu couldn't just let it go, and they immediately made a fuss to the old man.

Naturally, it was impossible for Ning Qiutong to let Ning Yaohua and the others keep talking, and immediately took Ning Xi to the Ning family's old house.

It just so happens that there are some things tonight that need to be clarified!

"It's late at night, why are you making so much noise?" The old man looked at the commotion in the room with an angry look on his face.

Not only Ning Yaohua and Ning Qiutong, but also Ning Yaobang, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, had just received news about the previous incident, but Ning Qiutong actually told the story of Ning Xi and Ning Xueluo in public , Ning Yaohua and Ning Qiutong actually got into each other's hands, it's really a big show, he naturally has to hurry over to watch the show!

Zhuang Lingyu was so angry that she was going crazy, "Dad, why didn't you ask what your good niece did! Ning Qiutong was so deceptive! She took Ning Xi away without saying hello to us today. The cocktail party of Mingyuan Technology in the evening..."

Ning Qiutong sneered, "Unauthorized? Sister-in-law, pay attention to your wording. It's my freedom to take whoever I want, and I have no reason to report to you."

"Shut up! Ning Xi is mine..."

"Huh? What is she to you?"

Zhuang Lingyu took a deep breath, "Don't change the subject for me!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the old man and said again, "Dad, it's fine if she takes Ning Xi to the reception, but she even said on the spot that Ning Xi is my biological daughter, that Ning Xi and Xueluo hugged each other wrong back then!"

Ning Yaohua also said, "Dad, Qiu Tong really went too far this time!"

The old man glanced at everyone one by one, and then murmured, "What is too much? Qiu Tong is just telling the truth!"

"Dad..." Zhuang Lingyu called out immediately.

Ning Xueluo's eyes were filled with a dark look in an instant...

"Okay, stop arguing. Although it's not the right time, this matter should have been said a long time ago. I have given you two such a long time to prepare and let you handle it carefully. In the end, what you gave me was What? Do I have to wait until the day when I die and I don't see Xiao Xi recognize her ancestors?" The old man slammed his cane hard, with an angry expression on his face.

Zhuang Lingyu said angrily, "Dad, you are too eccentric. Now that Qiu Tong has made such a fuss, what do you want us Xueluo to do? What do you want others to think of her?"

Ning Qiutong snorted coldly, "Then why don't you think about how Xiao Xi, whom you dubbed the country's adopted daughter in the past few years, behaved and how others saw her! What? If Xiao Xi can suffer grievances, she will Can't bear it? Is she more noble than anyone else?"

Being forced by Ning Qiutong over and over again, Zhuang Lingyu finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward, the scene suddenly became chaotic...

Ning Yaohua hurried to pull, and his subordinates didn't care too much. Ning Qiutong was almost stabbed in the face by Ning Yaohua's elbow, but Ning Xi twisted his wrist and threw him one meter away, and then stood up to protect Ning Qiutong. later……

" rebellious son! You actually made a move on your father!" Ning Yaohua only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and suddenly became furious.

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