Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1318 Equity Transfer Letter

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Stop everything! What do you look like!" The old man was very angry.

Ning Yaohua stared at Ning Xi as if he was staring at an enemy, "Nizi, don't think I don't know your little thoughts. You tried everything possible to get close to your aunt, wasn't it just for the share? Your aunt cheated the shares, and you can inherit the company! You think those old guys in the company are easy to deal with, without my protection, when the time comes, you will be swallowed without even bones left!"

Zhuang Lingyu sneered, "You keep saying you don't want the Ning family's things, you don't recognize us as parents, what are you doing now?"

"Shut up both of you, even if Xiao Xi inherits the company, it's justifiable!" The old man was full of anger.

In the midst of the quarrel, Ning Xi suddenly said, "I originally planned to ask everyone to come out tomorrow to clarify the matter about the shares, but now that the two of you can't wait, let's settle it now, while Grandpa is here. "

The old man frowned, "Xiao Xi, you are..."

Ning Xi gave her grandfather a comforting look, and then took out a stack of documents from her bag.

In an instant, Ning Yaohua, Zhuang Lingyu, Ning Xueluo, Ning Yaobang, all looked at the document in Ning Xi's hand...

Because on the front page of that document, there were clearly written a few big black and bold characters - Equity Transfer Letter!

All of a sudden, especially Ning Yaohua and Ning Yaobang's eyes widened.

"Share Transfer Letter!" Ning Yaobang exclaimed, Ning Xi is going to transfer the stock?

Ning Xueluo had a nervous expression on her face. Could it be that Ning Xi was convinced by her previous price?

No... This bitch never wanted her well... How could he sell the shares to her!

With a "snap", Ning Xi directly opened the share transfer document and slapped it on the table.

Immediately, the content of the transfer book appeared in front of everyone...

Ning's International Co., Ltd. Equity Transfer Agreement

Assignor: Ning Xi (Party A)

Transferee: Ning Qiutong (Party B)


Ning Qiutong! ! !

After seeing this name, Ning Yaohua and others were all stunned.

However, there was something that surprised them even more.

In the equity transfer letter, it actually stated that Party A will transfer 10% of the shares of Ning International to Party B for free...


"Ning Xi! You're crazy!" Ning Yaohua couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhuang Lingyu was also full of disbelief, who would have thought that Ning Xi would give all the equity in her hand to Ning Qiutong for free?

Even if she gave it to Ning Qiutong for free, she didn't sell it to them?

Ning Qiutong looked at the equity transfer letter with mixed feelings in his heart, obviously he didn't expect Ning Xi to do this.

It's just that I've only met a few times, and she can trust so many shares directly to her...

Ning Yaobang looked distressed, "Hey, niece, even if you are not interested in the company, and you don't want to give it to brother, then you can sell it to me! You are too stupid to give it to others if you don't want it! "

"Dad, are you just letting Ning Xi do things like this?" Ning Yaohua was anxious.

Ning Zhiyuan glanced at Ning Xi, seeing her determined gaze, took a deep breath and said, "Since my shares are given to Xiao Xi, they belong to her. It's up to her how she handles them."

What Zhuang Lingyu hates the most is Ning Qiutong, how could she allow Ning Qiutong to hold 20% of Ning's International shares, jump on Ning Yaohua's head, and immediately said angrily——

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