Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1320 The Stupidest Thing Ever Done

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Lingyu pulled Ning Xueluo over, "Xueluo, I can see what you have to say to her. She just wants us all to die to satisfy her heart!"

At this moment, the old man and Ning Yaobang have already left, and only Ning Qiutong is left in the room.

Therefore, Zhuang Lingyu didn't care so much anymore, and blurted out excitedly, "She still hates us because of what happened back then! It's Su Yan who lied to us because she got pregnant outside and got pregnant. In the end, Su Yan left her and chose Xueluo!

We had no choice but to send her abroad, lest she stay at home and be found embarrassing! The reason why she didn't reveal her identity was because she was afraid that this matter would be dug up by someone!

Worried that the old man will be irritated, even the old man never said, we have done our best! All of this is her own fault! What right does she have to hate us now? "

"Lingyu, don't say a few words!" Ning Yaohua couldn't help but look a little ugly when he saw that Zhuang Lingyu had said all these things.

After all, this is the biggest stain in his life...

Ning Xueluo also persuaded from the side, "Mom, stop talking, even if brother Yan doesn't like sister, I shouldn't have been with brother Yan at that time, and in the end, sister has been feeling uncomfortable because of this matter... ..."

Hearing the other party's long speech, Ning Qiutong was suddenly startled.


So many things happened back then?

Hearing Zhuang Lingyu's voice, Su Yan was originally with Ning Xi? It was Su Yan's fault that Ning Xi got pregnant outside and lied to them?

She has been in the mall for so many years, not to mention anything else, she still has the ability to read people.

Ning Xi didn't seem like the kind of person who would do such a thing...

Ning Qiutong said decisively, "Are you sure that the matter is as you said, and there is no hidden secret?"

"What kind of secrets can there be! I took care of her pregnant belly for several months, because I believed that she was pregnant with Su Yan's seed, and it turned out that she was about to give birth. Su Yan came back from a business trip abroad and told me personally that this child It wasn't his at all, and he never had anything to do with Ning Xi! Do you know how embarrassing I was at that time?" Zhuang Lingyu's face was sullen and ugly as soon as she recalled the situation at that time.

Ning Yaohua also murmured, "Qiu Tong, you always think that Lingyu and I are cruel, but in fact, we really have our own problems. We should not expose our family ugliness. We didn't want to talk about these things..."

"Have you said enough?" In the empty room, the girl's cold voice sounded like iron.

Zhuang Lingyu looked at Ning Xi who was in the corner with disgust on her face, "I poked your scar, didn't I? Now that I know it's embarrassing, what should I do?"

After a while, Ning Xi raised her clear and bright eyes, "Do you know what the stupidest thing I did back then was not treating Su Yan with all my heart and soul, or treating Ning Xueluo unsuspectingly like a real sister? But after that happened, I cried like a dog and explained to you, please believe that I didn’t do it! Now, sorry, whatever you think. It has nothing to do with me.”

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she turned and left.

Ning Qiutong hurriedly chased after her. When she reached the door, she couldn't help but turned around and looked at Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu, saying, "I'd rather choose to trust two outsiders than my own daughter. Brother and sister-in-law really made me grow up." Open your eyes! Take a good look at what is around you!"

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