Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1321 Turned out to be a counterfeit?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Ning Qiutong and Ning Xi left, Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu's expressions were extremely ugly.

Zhuang Lingyu was annoyed, "That girl, she's still making excuses until now..."

Ning Xueluo's small face was full of bewilderment, "Dad, Mom... I really thank you all these years! Thank you for raising me! Thank you for your love and trust! Things have come to this One step, it's really not what I want to see...Although I'm very reluctant, I really miss you, but I think...I should leave..."

Zhuang Lingyu's face suddenly changed, "Xueluo, what do you mean?"

Ning Yaohua also frowned and said, "Xueluo, what are you talking about? Where are you going?"

Ning Xueluo had a gloomy expression on her face, "Go wherever you want, I really don't want to cause you any more trouble, you have already paid enough for me and suffered enough grievances! Grandpa is right, if I If you have the slightest sense of gratitude, you shouldn’t stay in this house any longer! This place…it doesn’t belong to me…I should go back to the place that should belong to me…it’s overdue…it’s me…it’s me I am too greedy for my father and mother...your love for me..."

"Xueluo, your grandfather didn't mean to drive you away, you don't have to pay attention to what other people say, you were raised by me, what kind of person are you, how can I, as a mother, not know? Don't do stupid things, don't leave your mother!" Zhuang Lingyu urged.

Ning Xueluo wept, "But, mom... this family... I really can't stay any longer... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Zhuang Lingyu glared at Ning Yaohua, signaling him to find a solution quickly.

Ning Yaohua sighed, and then murmured, "Xueluo, I know you have been wronged, but the matter is not as serious as you think. Fortunately, there were not many people at the reception last night, and I immediately blocked it. The news, this matter, will never be spread, and it will not have any impact on your personal or career! As for the attitude of others towards you, it does not depend on the attitude of me and your mother towards you. You are the darling of your parents. With us backing you up, who else would dare to look down on you?"

Zhuang Lingyu repeatedly echoed, "Yes, that's the reason!"

The two were persuading, seeing that Ning Xueluo's mood had finally eased up a bit, Ning Yaohua's cell phone rang suddenly.

Caller ID - Su Hongguang.

The Su family called!

Ning Yaohua's complexion changed suddenly, and after calming down, he picked up the phone under Zhuang Lingyu's and Ning Xueluo's extremely nervous eyes, "Hello, my in-laws..."

A cold snort came from the other end of the phone immediately, "I don't dare to be my in-laws. Chairman Ning, I'm sure you already know why I'm looking for you. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer to this matter! My Su family is a well-known person in the imperial capital, but now that this is happening, how do you tell us to behave in the circle in the future! I thought that the one we married was a rich lady, but it turned out to be a counterfeit!?"

Ning Yaohua felt uncomfortable when he heard it, but he could only reply patiently, "What my in-laws said is too serious. Xueluo was raised and pampered by Lingyu and I since we were young. Miss, what is a counterfeit? You also see her character and ability, don't you?"

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