Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1322 Make a decision as soon as possible

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Ning Yaohua, don't change the subject with me here. Could this be your reason for deceiving our Su family?" Su Hongguang's voice became even more angry.

Ning Yaohua said solemnly, "Regarding this matter, my in-laws, please rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to my in-laws!"

"Okay, then I'll give you three days!" With a snap, the other end hung up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Ning Yaohua's expression was a little gloomy.

Zhuang Lingyu immediately asked, "What's the matter, what does the in-laws say?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ning Xueluo's eyes on the side, and then she said with despair and sadness, "Now that this matter has been brought up by my aunt, and because of her influence, I'm afraid everyone at least believes half of it, and others don't." Forget it, I won't go into the details, but since the Su family has heard this rumor, they will definitely investigate to the end. This matter... can't be hidden, and I don't want to deceive them again... Dad, Mom, you guys Don't be embarrassed, I'm going to break up with Su Yanti now..."

Ning Yaohua's face darkened immediately, and he said in a stern tone, "Xueluo! You are crazy! How can you talk nonsense about such things!"

"Dad... the matter has come to this point, instead of letting the Su family bring it up, it's better for me to take the initiative to raise it, so as to save myself some face. Now I... have nothing, I don't deserve... I don't deserve Brother Yan... " Ning Xueluo cried sadly as she said that.

"Silly boy, don't cry. It's all mother's fault. When I saw Ning Qiutong appearing, I should have been vigilant!" Zhuang Lingyu comforted Ning Xueluo who was crying endlessly.

Ning Yaohua at the side was lost in thought.

Although Xueluo's words were a little impulsive, they were not without reason.

When the old man made his will last time, he didn't even give Xueluo any shares. There were already complaints from the Su family. How could there be any reason not to give shares to his own, but to Ning Xi, an adopted daughter?

Fortunately, Su Yan probably went back to persuade him, so he didn't say anything more, but now, no matter what, he couldn't justify it.

Xueluo is not her own now, and she doesn't have any equity, not to mention that she will definitely have no status after she gets married. The problem now is that it's hard to say whether the marriage will be guaranteed or not.

It's not easy for Xueluo to live up to his expectations and marry the Su family. If this marriage is lost, it will definitely be a heavy loss for him!

For him, the Su family is more important than shares. A large part of the reason why he can gain a foothold in the board of directors is the support of the Su family.

Therefore, no matter what method is used, this marriage must be preserved!

But now there is only one way to prove the sincerity of the Ning family and improve Xueluo's status.

That is, transfer his own shares directly to Xueluo's name.

In this way, the Su family will never have anything to say!

But... If he were to transfer all his shares to Xueluo, it would be difficult for him to make such a big decision right now.

No matter how good Xueluo was, it was not her own after all...

Thus, Ning Yaohua fell into a dilemma...

After a while, Ning Yaohua took a deep breath and said, "Xueluo, don't worry, let me think about it, and Su Yan, don't be impulsive, I will help you solve everything appropriate!"

When Ning Xueluo heard the words, a gleam flashed in her eyes, but her face still had an expression of ashamedness, she didn't nod or shake her head, leaving Ning Yaohua with an ambiguous attitude...

It forced Ning Yaohua to make a decision as soon as possible...

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