Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1345 The things I want to throw down

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Looking at the heartbroken look of the girl, Ning Yaohua dispelled the last trace of worry in his heart, and persuaded earnestly, "Xueluo, how can father not understand who you are, you must accept this share. Next, because only you can help me now! Only if you accept the shares, will the anger of the Su family have room to turn around, and you and Su Yan can be together. Now your aunt has a total of 20% of the shares. The shares are 5% more than mine, and even your second uncle and Tianxin have a total of 16%, I need the support of the Su family very much now, do you understand?"

Zhuang Lingyu patted Ning Xueluo's hand, "Xueluo, you should help your father, you said just now, no matter what others think, you just need to know that your father and I will never miss you that much. ! You can accept this share!"

"But..." Ning Xueluo still hesitated.

Zhuang Lingyu had no choice but to resort to her trump card, "Come on, are you really willing to leave Su Yan behind? It's not the same as giving you this share! Your father and I will still count on you to take care of us in the future! You But you must not be too lazy to do stupid things, you are only allowed to stay by our side, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Ning Xueluo's tears fell patter, and she choked up intermittently, "Dad...Mom...thank you...thank you...I will definitely not let you down! I will help you guard the Ning family!"

Both Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu nodded in satisfaction, "Good boy..."

In the shadows, Ning Xueluo raised her chin slightly, revealing a complacent and extremely mocking smile.

Ning Xi, do you think you can destroy me if you kiss Ning Qiutong?

This time, it is really thanks to you making such a fuss that Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu finally vomited out their shares...

This is just the first step...

Soon, the entire Ning family will be hers...


Platinum Palace.

In the morning, Ning Xi was awakened with a start.

She had a dream, dreaming that she was drunk, singing and flirting with girls in a bar, and even racing and fighting...

With a "ding", a gossip headline popped up on the phone.

The headline read: "National husband Ning Xi was surprised to sing live at No. 8 Bar of the Imperial City"...

Memories of last night came to mind bit by bit, Ning Xi immediately wailed and covered her face, oh, it's over!

Ning Xi quickly looked through Weibo and various portal websites, and found that the impact of this incident on the Internet was not as serious as she imagined. Husband Ning Xi" such rumors...

Obviously, it was Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli who managed it, otherwise it would have exploded this morning.

"woke up."

At this time, a man's comfortable and low voice like a breeze came from his ear.

Ning Xi immediately raised her head cleverly, and looked at the person with teary eyes, "Master Boss..."

Lu Tingxiao held a bowl of hangover soup in his hand, "It's okay, what happened last night has been suppressed. Drink this."

Ning Xi took it obediently, and while sipping it, she peeked at Lu Tingxiao, her little heart fluttering, "You...why don't you scold me?"

Lu Tingxiao: "You're not hurt, why should I scold you?"

Ning Xi: "Uh..."

What's wrong with this tone of voice that as long as she doesn't get hurt, it doesn't matter if it pierces the sky...

Don't do such a thing that makes people want to fall so early in the morning, okay?

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