Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1346 Accidentally addicted to beauty

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Don't always be so nice to me, okay...

The girl's eyes dimmed quickly, like glass beads that had been shattered and lost their luster.

Before the broken emotions had time to bloom, Ning Xi quickly pinched them down and withered them, and tightly restrained them into the bottom of her eyes.

Ning Xi wrapped her arms around the man's neck, and rubbed her head on the man's shoulder, "Lu Tingxiao..."

"Huh?" Lu Tingxiao liked the girl's little act of nostalgia. Xinxiang's soft hair rubbed against her shoulders, making her heart so soft that she wanted to hold the whole world in front of her.

Ning Xi whispered softly in his ear, and sighed, "Hey, why do I like you so much... When I decided to be with you, I thought I liked you enough..."

After all, before this, she never thought that she would be with anyone in this life. If she didn't like it too much, she wouldn't be able to take that step.

"But now I realize that the love I had back then was just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the ocean..."

At that time, when she desperately confessed to the man in front of her and chose to be with him, in fact, there was still a trace of reservation out of self-protection in her heart at that time. Can be withdrawn immediately.

But it was at this time that he realized that although the person in front of him had known her not long ago, he had completely integrated into her flesh and blood. If he wanted to leave, it would be like scraping the bones and drawing blood.

Hearing the girl's emotional confession, Lu Tingxiao's heart was burning hot, but there was always a trace of uneasiness lingering in his sensitive nerves.

Ning Xi gently hugged the man, and after a long time, took a deep breath, and said, "Lu Tingxiao, we haven't dated for a long time... When are you free, let's go out and have a fling, just the two of us~"

"Available anytime." As long as it's with you.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the time when I confirm the nearest itinerary with Sister Zhizhi! When the time comes... I have something to tell you!" Ning Xi tried her best to keep her tone normal.

"Yeah." Lu Tingxiao's eyes flashed a dark light, the reason why Ning Xi's mood was so disturbed was probably because of that incident...

After finishing speaking, Ning Xi left the man's warm embrace, lifted the quilt and got up, "Ahhh! I accidentally became obsessed with beauty again. I have to report to the crew today, and the time is running out~"

While checking the time, Ning Xi hurriedly put on her makeup and changed her clothes, kissed Lu Tingxiao several times, and then hurried to the set.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the crew, he saw Xiaotao was already waiting there.

"Baby, tell me quickly, sister Zhizhi isn't angry with me, is she?" Ning Xi asked nervously as soon as she saw Xiaotao.

Xiaotao said with a worried face, "I'm not angry at all, I'm just worried about you. The trouble happened last night and we couldn't contact you. We were almost dying of anxiety... Fortunately, the second young master turned the tide and suppressed everything with one hand. Xi Brother, have you settled the matter at home? If the Second Young Master hadn't told us, I almost really thought that person was you..."

Things at home?

Ning Xi was stunned, thinking that this should be an excuse Lu Jingli made for her, so she nodded quickly and said, "It's almost there."

Because it was Ning Xi's personal matter, Xiao Tao didn't ask any further questions, but she just looked at Ning Xi with sparkling eyes and gossiped, "Brother Xi... are you really just ordinary friends with Second Young Master? Why do I feel that Second Young Master treats you very special?" ah……"

Ning Xi twitched the corner of her mouth, "Hehe..."

Of course not just ordinary friendship.

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