Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1348 Hug left and right

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"It's all from the same company, so you're welcome." Ning Xi said indifferently.

Ning Xi's approachable attitude made Li Yiqing even more grateful. After thinking for a while, she said, "Sister Xi, my grandfather is an old Chinese doctor and is very good at massage. I learned a little from him since I was a child. The massage technique is very good. Would you like to press your shoulder?"

Ning Xi smiled, "No need, you're too busy to go, don't delay work."

Li Yiqing shook her head again and again, "Don't delay, don't delay, I just finished my audition! Sister Xi, just let me press it for you, and treat it as a thank you for helping me just now, otherwise I will be too sorry!"

Seeing the little girl's enthusiastic face, Ning Xi couldn't bear to refuse, so she had no choice but to say, "Okay then, I'll trouble you."

"Okay!" Li Yiqing immediately stood behind Ning Xi happily, her plain hands covered Ning Xi's shoulders, and pressed very skillfully.

The little girl looks soft and weak, but her strength is not small, she won't be limp, and she presses it with just the right amount of strength, which is indeed very comfortable.

Li Yiqing frowned while pressing, "Sister Xi, have you been under a lot of pressure lately? The muscles on your shoulders are so stiff!"

Ning Xi lay on the dressing table and muttered, "Well, it's kind of..."

Xiaotao on the side watched Li Yiqing's movements intently, "It's really good to know this, I'll learn a little from you too, so that I can help Brother Xi in the future!"

Li Yiqing immediately said, "It's ok! I'll teach you..."

When Jiang Muye knocked on the door and came in, what he saw was a picture of someone being hugged by two girls, pinching his shoulders and beating his legs, his face was full of black lines, "You will enjoy it..."

"Senior Jiang!" Li Yiqing immediately greeted Jiang Muye and explained, "Sister Xi helped me out just now, and I pressed her shoulders just to thank Sister Xi!"

"Okay, let's go out, I have something to tell this guy!" Jiang Muye waved his hand away.

Both Li Yiqing and Xiaotao knew that Jiang Muye had a good relationship with Ning Xi, so they immediately ran away knowingly.

Seeing that Jiang Muye drove the two girls away as soon as he arrived, Ning Xi raised her head a little dissatisfied, "Why?"

Jiang Muye looked at her faintly, "You're so leisurely, you're going to be careless when you're about to die..."

"What is imminent death? Can you say something nice early in the morning?" Ning Xi said angrily.

"Do you know... who is the lead actor in our play?" Jiang Muye asked in a drawn out voice.

"Who is the second male who cares about me?"

Jiang Muye raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure? The second male is Mo Chenxiu!"

Ning Xi immediately got up, "Are you kidding me?"

"Am I kidding you? Everyone else has already arrived! It's just outside!" Jiang Muye said while sitting on a chair, shaking his legs.

"I'll go! No way..." Ning Xi was speechless.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. With the positions of Mo Chenxiu and Jiang Muye, as long as they appear in a TV series, unless it is just a friendship, they must be the male lead. The second male situation happened.

"Tsk tsk tsk, in order to chase you thousands of miles away, that guy is willing to submit to me and come here to be the male second! Ning Xiaoxi, you're dead too!" Jiang Muye sighed with an expression of watching the show.

Ning Xi rubbed her hair with a dark face and cursed softly, "What the hell... It's already annoying enough..."

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