Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1349 You Bite Me!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Why can't she just calm down a little?

Seeing Ning Xi's restless state, Jiang Muye glanced at her sideways, and said thoughtfully, "The person at Bar No. 8 last night...was you?"

Ning Xi tilted her head and said nothing, but her expression gave him the answer.

Jiang Muye snorted, "I knew it was you!"

After speaking, he looked at her with some concern, "You... what happened?"

If it weren't for the timely and proper public relations, this incident would have ruined all the image and popularity she had worked so hard to build.

With the personality of Ning Xi, one of the top ten model workers, she should never make such a mistake.

"It's okay." Ning Xi obviously didn't want to talk about this topic.

Jiang Muye gave her an annoyed look, "Still hiding it with me? It's a good thing I came here to share your troubles! I'm as good as a donkey!"

Ning Xi glanced lightly at Jiang Muye, "Not everything can be shared, there are some things that I just want to bring to the grave."

The corner of Jiang Muye's mouth twitched, "Speak humanly to me!"

Ning Xi: "Master, I won't tell you, you bite me!"

Jiang Muye: "..."


After a while, Ning Xi fixed her makeup and walked to the audition spot.

In the studio, Meng Shiyi was seen taking makeup photos.

A long silver sword, dressed in white clothes to win the snow, black hair like a waterfall, and an expression of no sadness or joy on the face, fully expressing the graceful temperament and desperation of the female one in the play, The photographers, directors and onlookers all praised it.

"Meng Shiyi is amazing! After the makeup is fixed, it's more suitable than we imagined! It's like the Nine Heavens Goddess descending to earth!"

"It's exactly the same as Leng Aoxue in the novel, book fans will have nothing to say now!"


Ning Xi folded her arms around her chest, and stood aside quietly watching, her eyes shone with the enthusiasm and excitement of meeting her opponent.

In all fairness, Meng Shiyi's acting skills are indeed very good. A role with an expressionless face like Leng Aoxue seems simple, but in fact it is very difficult to act, because if you are not careful, you will be played with facial paralysis, but Meng Shiyi has mastered the measure It is just right, and those who can achieve this step, the entire entertainment industry is also rare.

Worthy of being a double actress.

While everyone was discussing, someone saw Ning Xi behind her who had changed into her costume from the corner of her eye, and immediately let out exclamations one after another.

At this moment, Ning Xi was wearing a fiery red long dress with a tunic waist, a little cinnabar on her forehead, narrow and long eyes, and wanton arrogance between her brows, which formed a sharp contrast with Meng Shiyi's coldness and indifference.

"Wow! Yunhuang!"

"Ning Xi's Yunhuang is also great! It's so emotional!"

"Ning Xi is quite suitable for such a villain role. Meng Changge in "The World" played well. No wonder Director Guo chose her!"


The two heroines in the play, Leng Aoxue and Yunhuang, can be regarded as two diametrically opposed personalities and settings. One is the daughter of Xuanji Sect, the head of the righteous way, the other is the witch of the Demon Palace, one is elegant and refined, and the other is treacherous. Measurement.

The love-hate love-hate relationship between the male lead and the two women is one of the biggest highlights.

Of course, if the role of Yunhuang was so simple, Guo Qisheng would not have specially recruited Ning Xi and claimed that it was created for Ning Xi.

The most important feature of Ning Xi's character is that Yunhuang has a dual personality because of her practice of magic skills.

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