Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1353 Pheasant and Phoenix

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

When they found out that Su Yan fell in love with a country girl when he was recuperating in the country, they had to work so hard to break the two of them off. They even said a lot of nasty things to Ning Xi in private, saying that she was not good enough for her. Su Yan, let her be a little self-aware.

Later, for some reason, Ning Zhiyuan, the old man of the Ning family, let Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu adopt Ning Xi as an adopted daughter. An adopted daughter, even if she was the adopted daughter of the Ning family, such an identity was still completely unworthy of their Su family. of.

Later, when they learned that Su Yan had moved on and fell in love with Ning Xueluo, the real eldest daughter of the Ning family, both of them were very happy, thinking that they had finally married a real golden phoenix.

Who knew... everything turned upside down in the end!

Ning Xi was the real Miss Ning, and Ning Xueluo was the pheasant. They had been kept in the dark for five years, how could they accept this?

"Uncle, aunt... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to hide it from you..." Ning Xue burst into tears.

Su Yan held Ning Xueluo's hand, frowned and said, "Dad, Mom, I've already told you that I told Xueluo not to talk about it. This matter has nothing to do with her."

Zhuang Lingyu on the opposite side finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said anxiously, "Family, think about it carefully, we have already found Ning Xi back then, why didn't we announce Ning Xi's identity? I would rather let my own daughter be wronged, And still love Xueluo like the apple of his eye?

Isn't it because of our relationship for so many years that we have already regarded Xueluo as our own daughter and couldn't bear to hurt her a little bit? On the contrary, we really have no feelings for Ning Xi who has never been together!

It was our fault that we didn't tell your in-laws about this back then, but Xueluo grew up in Ning's family, and was carefully taught by his father and me by famous teachers. Even though Ning Xi was brought back, she didn't suffer the slightest grievance. In our hearts, Xueluo Luo is our own daughter, even closer than our own. We have prepared to treat her as our own daughter for the rest of our lives, so it makes no difference whether we say it or not. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Lingyu said with a more serious tone, "You also know that Xueluo is kind-hearted and filial. How many famous ladies can compare to her? I dare say that she is not worthy of Su Yan or your Su family at all!"

Hearing this, Mother Su glanced at Ning Xueluo who was full of sadness, and her frown eased a little, "I admit that Xueluo is very good, otherwise I wouldn't like her so much! But people like us, The most important thing is to be 'right and proper', Madam Ning, I believe you know this better than me, right?"

Father Su nodded and said, "If you say something that doesn't sound good, even if you say something, it won't be true. If it's not your own, it's not your own!"

Mother Su's words were even more straightforward, "You are talking nicely now, but what if you still favor your own children in the future?"

One biological, one adopted daughter, who will inherit the Ning family in the future?

They don't want the good daughters of the Su family, marrying a pheasant with nothing, not only will they be ridiculed, but in the end they will lose everything, so wouldn't they be at a loss?

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