Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1354 Measure an auspicious date

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Su's mother was more concerned about this than Su's father, because after all, Su Hongguang had an illegitimate son, Su Xun, who was always watching Su Yan's position.

She also counted on Su Yan to have a good marriage and help him in the future, otherwise she wouldn't be so opposed to Su Yan and Ning Xi at the beginning...

Now she is full of complaints about the Ning family's concealment. No wonder Mr. Ning only gave Ning Xueluo money when he divided the family property, and didn't give her a share. Instead, he gave Ning Xi, his adopted daughter, 10%!

It all makes sense now...

After all, it really is a matter of inheritance...

In the end, Ning Yaohua could only take out his trump card, took out a document from his briefcase, and handed it to Su Hongguang.

Su Hongguang glanced at Ning Yaohua with a straight face, and then took it suspiciously.

The moment they saw the equity transfer letter clearly, Su Hongguang and Zheng Minjun looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously a little surprised, as if they didn't expect Ning Yaohua to do this.

Ning Yaohua actually gave all 15% of his shares to Ning Xueluo who had no blood relationship.

"In this way, can the in-laws trust Ning's words and sincerity?" Ning Yaohua asked.

Seeing this share transfer document, Su Hongguang's complexion did improve a lot. After carefully reading and reviewing the document, and after confirming that there were no problems, he returned it to Ning Yaohua, "Old Ning, you are really serious about Xueluo... It’s the heart of love and protection! I have nothing to say about this!”

Hearing Su Hongguang's words softened, Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Xueluo relaxed calmly, and at the same time her eyes were full of scorn. None of these old guys were easy to fool, and they would only let go when they saw the real guy.

Fortunately, Ning Yaohua was allowed to transfer the shares over before, otherwise her marriage with Su Yan might really be blown up.

From the corner of her eye, Mother Su glanced at the document stating that Ning Yaohua had given all 15% of the shares under her name to Ning Xueluo, her attitude immediately improved a lot, and she sighed, "We are also doing this for the children. For the sake of my future, I hope my in-laws don't mind!"

Although Zhuang Lingyu's heart was full of sarcasm, she still spoke politely, "We are both parents, so we naturally understand. I just hope that these two children can always be well. As long as Xueluo can be happy, I will be satisfied!"

As soon as the equity transfer letter came out, the atmosphere between the two families immediately improved a lot. Ning Yaohua also took the opportunity to mention their marriage, "Xueluo and Su Yan have been dating for five full years, and it's time for them to start a family. Once the child settles down, I've also made up my mind!"

Zhuang Lingyu said, "Our Xueluo's clothing company has just signed a cooperation contract with a luxury brand in country M, and it's probably a relatively free time for this period of time. If we wait any longer, we probably won't be able to be born..."

Mother Su thought for a while, "The relationship and career of the two children are very stable, and this marriage really cannot be delayed any longer."

Ning Yaohua looked at Su Yan and Ning Xueluo, "What do you two think?"

Ning Xueluo lowered her head shyly, "I'll listen to my parents."

Su Yan's expression seemed to be in a daze, and he didn't speak for a while.

Mother Su looked at her son, "What about you, Su Yan?"

Only then did Su Yan come to his senses, "I have no objection either."

Finally, Su Hongguang made a decision, "Then I will ask Master Long to measure a good day tomorrow!"

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