Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1355 Stunning Encounter

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Regarding Su Hongguang's words, several other people nodded one after another, expressing that they had no objection.

When Mother Su thought of the fate of "Wang Fu" approved by Master Long Fanyin to Ning Xueluo, she felt a little more at ease...

Next, the two families began to chat about the marriage, and roughly determined the relevant procedures, as if the previous unhappiness had never happened.

When the dust settled, Ning Xueluo let out a long sigh of relief. Sure enough, it was hers, and it was hers after all!


After the dinner, the two families had already enjoyed themselves happily, and they greeted each other warmly and said goodbye.

The parents on both sides left separately, while Ning Xueluo and Su Yan left alone. The wedding was coming soon, and the young couple wanted to talk privately. As parents, they naturally understood.

Su Hongguang and Zheng Minjun walked towards the parking lot together, talking while walking.

Zheng Minjun was very satisfied with the attitude of the Ning family tonight, but there was still something wrong in his heart, so he sighed and said to his husband beside him, "Hey, after all, she was born to a village woman. It's really not bad, but I'm afraid...I'm afraid that after a long time, my nature will be exposed..."

Su Hongguang paid more attention to benefits, and didn't think much about it, "The Ning family's words are not unreasonable, Xueluo was raised as a daughter from a young age, and received a good education and nurturing, no matter what .

On the contrary, Ning Xi, who grew up in the countryside, was the one who was really vulgar. Even if she changed it in the future, she might not be able to change it. Have you forgotten what she did before? And the last time I came to Mr. Ning's birthday banquet, I came here in a disguise!

Otherwise, why do you think that old fox Ning Yaohua would rather have an adopted daughter than recognize his own daughter..."

Hearing her husband's words, Zheng Minjun nodded, "That's the reason..."

The two were talking when they saw two girls walking towards each other.

It was Ning Xi and her assistant Xiao Tao.

At this moment, Ning Xi was wearing a set of Zeling Haute Couture with Chinese style, and she was wearing high-heeled shoes, and her face was painted with appropriate shades of makeup. , On the contrary, it reveals a natural luxury.

"Xiao Tao, remember to send the latest itinerary to my mailbox later, I need it urgently..." Ning Xi was talking to Xiao Tao next to her, and when she finished speaking, she looked up and saw the two people opposite her, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Su Hongguang and Zheng Minjun...

Ning Xi didn't expect to meet Su Yan's parents here.

Especially Su's mother, Zheng Minjun, she couldn't even recognize her. After all, this woman did everything she could to separate her and Su Yan.

At that time, she was still a weak and deceitful ignorant girl with an unbelievably soft temper. Zheng Minjun's sharp words once trampled her into the dust. The original innocent and heartless temperament also happened at that time. Earth-shaking changes...

"Hey, that Ning Xi—wait a minute!" Director Guo Qisheng's voice came from behind, catching up.

When Su Hongguang and Zheng Minjun saw Ning Xi across the way, they didn't dare to recognize him at first, but when they heard Guo Qisheng say "Ning Xi", they immediately looked at each other, and their expressions changed suddenly.

How can it be? This beautiful and noble girl in front of really Ning Xi...?

After Ning Xi came back to China, they only saw her once at Mr. Ning's birthday banquet. They knew about Ning Xi's entry into the entertainment industry, but they never paid attention to it...

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