Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1360 Do you want to break up?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Jingli hung up the phone with a look of disappointment, and looked at his brother on the sofa with aggrieved eyes, "Xiao Xixi won't come, she said she wants to read the script, but there is always time for dinner, right? Well, could it be my wife Are you sensitive? Why do I feel that Xiao Xixi didn't want to come on purpose..."

Lu Tingxiao didn't speak, but his eyes became darker.

Lu Jingli rubbed his chin and murmured, "I always feel that there is something wrong with Xiao Xixi... Something was wrong in the morning... It gave me a feeling of being afraid of you, avoiding you, and feeling guilty when I saw you Feel……"

In a sense, Lu Jingli was really brilliant.

Ning Xi's entanglement with Lu Tingxiao was summed up very well by him.

After being pointed out by Lu Jingli so directly, Lu Tingxiao's expression became obviously uglier.

Seeing that his brother's expression was not good, Lu Jingli asked tentatively, "Brother, are you having a conflict with Xiao Xixi?"

Lu Tingxiao's answer was to give him a cold look.

Lu Jingli immediately coughed lightly, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, how could you two dog food makers have conflicts! Since there is no conflict, what's going on? Brother, please explain it clearly to me! Otherwise I can't help you analyze it! I'm not talking nonsense, this kind of thing can be big or small! I really think there's something wrong with Xiao Xixi..."

After a long silence, Lu Tingxiao said, "Her state really unusual...since she got drunk at the bar the day before yesterday..."

Lu Tingxiao pinched his brows, and intermittently talked about Ning Xi's situation in the past two days, in great detail, for both Lu Jingli and himself.

Ning Xi's recent state really worried him.

Lu Jingli rubbed his chin, "Well, let me sum it up. First, Xiao Xixi suddenly got drunk at a bar, and then went racing and got into a fight with gangsters. She looked very bad... And since last night, she has been avoiding you The most important thing is that she suddenly and solemnly asked you out for a date on the weekend, and said that she has something to tell you when the time comes..."

Speaking of this, Lu Jingli didn't know what came to mind, and suddenly his expression changed drastically. He looked at his brother, and blurted out, "Damn!!!!!! It's over! Brother, Xiao Xixi Could it be that she wants to break up with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature in the whole room dropped at a speed that could be felt by the flesh...

It was only then that Lu Jingli realized that he had said something rebellious, so he quickly covered his mouth, looking in horror at his brother who had instantly switched to the dark-type state he hadn't seen for a long time...

Damn! so scary...

He was just making random guesses, his brother's expression was as if he wanted to slaughter millions of people, if Xiao Xixi really broke up with him, then it would be fine!

However, from the current point of view, all signs really point to this ominous result!

Xiao Xixi was tired and wanted to break up, but also felt that his brother was too kind to her and felt sorry for him, that's why she struggled so painfully that it was difficult to speak out, but emotional matters cannot be forced, so she still made an appointment to be with him on weekends. Brother, make it clear...

In just a few seconds, Lu Jingli had already imagined a complete plot.

It's over, it's can I do this...

Lu Jingli decided to stabilize his brother first, coughed lightly, and said cautiously, " brains are really too big...I watched a lot of bloody soap operas at eight o'clock recently How could it be possible for Xiao Xixi to break up with you!"

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