Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1361 Coax our lady boss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

the next day.

The entire Lu Group once again felt the fear of being dominated by the Great Demon King...

And Lu Jingli was surrounded by a large group of people for the first time in a long time.

"Second Young Master! What's going on? Why is Mr. Lu a little scary today?"

"What's the point! It's so fucking scary! I didn't dare to take another look! When my eyes met, I thought I was going to hell in the next second!"

"Second young master, did the boss have a fight with the proprietress! You must try to persuade him!"

"Isn't the relationship between the boss and the proprietress very good? How can they quarrel if they are so good! If the boss can't coax, you must help me, second young master!"

"Yes, yes, we must coax our lady boss!"

"The boss will be happy when the boss's wife is happy, and we will have a good life when the boss is in a good mood..."


Everyone in the company is full of human beings, and now they can already feel the doorway of their boss's emotional changes.

Anyway, it must have something to do with the lady boss.

Alas, it's a pity that after the rumor that Su Yimo was the proprietress was dispelled, none of them knew who the proprietress really was, and they couldn't do anything to help or curry favor.

So he had no choice but to tease Lu Jingli.

Lu Jingli was surrounded by a group of people talking nonsense, and he was completely devastated. Damn, he is a single dog, and he has to worry about the relationship status of this young couple all day long. Is it easy for him?

However, this matter is indeed quite serious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely urgent, after all, the day after tomorrow is the weekend.

He had to quickly find a way to find out what Xiao Xixi was saying...

After get off work, Lu Jingli got Ning Xi's itinerary for today directly from Ling Zhizhi, and then went to the Dijue Hotel.

Ning Xi has a dinner today.

It's better for him to sit and wait nearby, otherwise she will always avoid him with various excuses.

Lu Jingli thought about it, and then squatted down in the corner of the hotel lobby, covering his face with a newspaper.

Time passed bit by bit...

Ning Xi didn't show up for a long time, Lu Jingli fell asleep halfway through the wait, and woke up at almost twelve o'clock in the evening, asked the waiter, and sure enough, the person in Ning Xi's box had already left.

Lu Jingli ran away sadly, and had no choice but to go to Taohuawu again.

Walking to the corner of the corridor, he unexpectedly heard a somewhat familiar voice from the front, it seemed to be Ning Xueluo, and Ning Xi was mentioned in the words...

So, Lu Jingli subconsciously took a step back and hid in the empty box behind him.

"Xueluo, are you okay! You drank too much wine!"

"'s okay...I'm getting married...I'm happy..."

"Xueluo, be careful!"

"Sister Chang, tell me the truth, do you really regret letting go of Ning Xi's cash cow?"

"I don't……"

"Let me tell you... Ning... Ning Xi, that bitch... She is doomed to be trapped in my hands for the rest of her life... No matter how high she jumps... I can pull her down... you Believe it or not?"

"Yes, yes, I believe it!" Chang Li's tone was obviously perfunctory.

Ning Xueluo seemed to be dissatisfied with Chang Li's perfunctory tone, and said drunkenly, "You don't believe it? Let me tell you...that bitch Ning the age of eighteen...was pregnant by a man at the age of eighteen... ... and gave birth to that child... Do you know that it was born hahaha..."

"Wh... what!!!" Chang Li was really surprised at this moment, "Then... where is that child?"

"Dead... That bastard died when it was born... Tsk, it's really cheap for her... If it's still alive... How wonderful..."


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