Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1373 That Strange Man

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Tingxiao carefully hugged the girl in his arms and patted her to comfort her, his eyes were full of pity.

In fact, from the first time he got in touch with Ning Xi, combined with her fear and rejection of some intimate behaviors, and even her aversion to men, he had already vaguely guessed that she might have had some bad experiences in the past.

Therefore, he never pryed into her past without authorization, and would not ask too many questions, especially when it comes to matters between men and women, he was extremely cautious, and even if he endured to the extreme, he did not want to surprise her...

The girl is like a little beast that is extremely guarded against human beings after being fatally injured. From the beginning, she poked her head out of the hole quietly, then crawled out cautiously and looked at him curiously. Then, she boldly tried to lick his fingers, jumped Stepping on his lap to sleep soundly, and even boldly causing trouble in front of him...

She probed a little bit until she was sure of his harmlessness, his gentleness...

Until today... She took off all the armor, destroyed all the thorns and all the protection, and tore this wound that was a hundred times more tragic than he expected, tearing open the most vulnerable and softest part of her heart...

Like a sacrifice, it was placed in front of him...

Lu Tingxiao's chest was swollen, and he hugged the girl tightly, wishing to melt into his bones.

In addition to the great touch and distress in his heart, the man's eyes were filled with darkness.

From this point of view, what Jingli heard from Ning Xueluo before should be true.

Ning Xueluo also knew about this matter, and used it as her biggest leverage and trump card against Ning Xi.

In addition, he found that Ning Xi's words just now had too many doubts.

A strange man that she didn't even know who she was...

Why would she have sex with a strange man? Since it was forced, after finding out she was pregnant, how could she keep that man's child?

"Is it related to Ning Xueluo?" Lu Tingxiao asked in an almost affirmative tone.

Ning Xi thought that it would be impossible for her to speak out about those things in her life. After all, even the psychiatrist with the best hypnotism in the United States who treated her back then failed to get her to tell about this past.

However, at this moment, hearing the man's voice, she spoke naturally, "I always regarded Ning Xueluo as a good sister back then, and I didn't have the slightest precaution against her, let alone that she had already betrayed me and Su Yan. Together... On the night of Su Shengri, she drugged me... and then arranged for two male publicists..."

Lu Tingxiao's arms suddenly tightened, "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it!"

Ning Xi shook her head and continued to speak nonchalantly, "I believed her and went to the room number she told me to look for Su Yan... As a result, there was a little accident... I entered the wrong room... the room It wasn't the two male PRs that Ning Xueluo arranged for me... but that strange man whom I still don't know who it is..."

Probably recalling what happened at that time, Ning Xi's body trembled unbearably.

"Ning Xi..."

"Lu Tingxiao, don't talk about me, let me finish! If I don't talk about some things now, I might not have the courage to speak up a second time!"

Ning Xi raised her head and continued to speak, "After entering the room, I lost consciousness due to the effects of the medicine. At that time, I didn't know anything. I didn't know that I was designed by Ning Xueluo, let alone that Su Yan had betrayed me...

I only knew that when I woke up the next morning, the person on the bed was Su Yan, so I naturally thought that I had a relationship with Su Yan, and Su Yan also told me so..."

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