Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1374 I love you the most

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi gave a bleak smile, "You can probably guess what happened later, after I became pregnant, I thought the child belonged to Su Yan, so I insisted on staying. I'm almost eight months pregnant before I come back...

After he came back, he told me all the truth... It wasn't him that night... The child wasn't his either... He broke through what Ning Xueluo had done to me, in order to cover up Ning Xueluo's crimes, that's why he said It was him that night...

When Ning Xueluo told me all the truth, I crossed the road in agitation and got into a car accident. The child... died right after birth... This is probably the only kindness God has shown me...

Otherwise, I really don't know how to face and treat this child..."

After Ning Xi finished speaking in one breath, all the emotions from that year came to mind at this moment, " you know how I felt at that time...the sky is falling apart...

Neither Ning Xueluo nor Su Yan knew. In fact, I doubted Su Yan's words from the very beginning. Although my memory was very confused that night, it felt impossible to forget...

That strange man... very scary...

I hurt...

The pain of feeling like I'm going to die...

After that time, I had a high fever for a week, and it took me more than a month to recover. When I saw the doctor, I still can't forget the shameful feeling...

At that time, the only person who supported me that night was Su Yan. I didn't dare to think about it. If that person wasn't my boyfriend, I didn't even dare to think about the result...

That's why I kept deceiving myself...until I couldn't do it anymore...until I paid a greater price..."

Ning Xi paused, then continued, "Afterwards, my fear of men followed me like a shadow. I extremely loathed and rejected the contact of men. The one five years ago was my only one-time experience...

I saw a psychiatrist for a long time, but there was no result, but after that, I didn't care anyway..."

After listening to everything Ning Xi said, especially Ning Xi's fear when she mentioned that strange man, Lu Tingxiao's eyes were filled with killing intent, "Who is that man?"

Ning Xi's body trembled subconsciously, "I don't know... I've searched for a long time... I don't have any clues... I'm not sure if it was arranged by Ning Xueluo... It's as if... that person has never been in this world at all. Appeared on..."

After finally finishing all this, Ning Xi's face was blank, she stared blankly at the man in front of her, "I'm done talking... this is my past...

You are so good... so good that sometimes I think very meanly... If only you were a little bit worse... a little bit scum..."

Lu Tingxiao frowned and stared at the girl in front of him, and said sharply, "Ning Xi, let me tell you clearly, you are a beauty in the eye of a beholder, because you like me and love me, that's why you think everything about me is good. ! My first and only time was with another woman, even... I left behind a child, an indelible stain in my life..."

"Nonsense! Little Treasure is not a stain!" Ning Xi's stupefied expression dissipated immediately, and she stared with an extremely serious expression.

Lu Tingxiao laughed helplessly, "That's right, to me, everything that happened to you is nothing, no matter what kind of experience and past it is, it's all about you, making up who you are now, my favorite you."

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