Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1375 Cabbage, Yellow Field

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Thank you." After Lu Tingxiao finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed the corner of the girl's lips.

Ning Xi looked blank, "Huh? Thank you for what?"

Seeing the girl's innocent appearance, Lu Tingxiao's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you for saying this instead of breaking up with me. Thank you for not killing me."

Cough cough...the grace of not killing...

Ning Xi was stunned after hearing this, "Well...Actually, I wanted to ask just now, think I want to break up with you? Your thinking is too stupid. Force..."

Realizing that Lu Tingxiao's expression was not right, Ning Xi immediately changed her voice, "Uh cough...I mean, how could I be so stupid as to break up with you..."

Lu Tingxiao pinched the center of his brows with a dark face. In fact, now he also felt that he was quite stupid. He was led into the ditch by Lu Jingli like this.

It wasn't until this moment that Ning Xi finally understood why Lu Tingxiao's attitude was so strange before. Staring at her was like staring at a heartless man who started to mess up and gave up. She wished she could be strangled to death. Yes, it is the fear and tension that may lose everything in the next second...

He was actually afraid that he would break up with him! ?

Ning Xi recalled her recent state and attitude towards Lu Tingxiao. She was not only emotionally disturbed, but also kept avoiding him. But at this time, she asked Lu Tingxiao to meet on the weekend and said that she had something to tell him...

Well, it's really easy to misunderstand...


In the twilight, the imperial capital, the Platinum Imperial Palace.

At the gate of the villa, in the cool night wind, there was a mournful singing——

"Little cabbage, yellow in the ground, two or three years old, no mother... It's better to follow daddy, I'm afraid daddy will marry a stepmother..."

"I married my stepmother for three and a half years, and I gave birth to a younger brother who is better than me... My brother eats noodles, I drink soup, and bring up the bowl, tears streaming down my face..."

In the living room, on the sofa, Xiao Baozi pinched his brows helplessly, and walked towards the door.

"Baozi, my poor Baozi..." As soon as he saw Xiaobao, Lu Jingli immediately hugged Xiaobao with tears in his eyes.

What if after Xiao Xixi leaves, the house becomes the same as it was before? What if I can no longer eat such delicious food? There is nothing to love...

Little Baozi really had no choice but to keep a stern face and gently pat this sentimental second uncle with his small hands to soothe his wounded heart...

A car engine sound came from far and near, Lu Jingli immediately pricked up his ears, and looked not far away.

Then I saw my brother's familiar car slowly driving to the door.

Lu Jingli's heart was in his throat, and then he saw that the car door opened, and his brother got off the driver's seat alone, but soon, Lu Tingxiao walked around to the co-pilot again, and then stretched out his hand to pick up a girl from the car ...

Lu Jingli's eyes widened immediately. Could it be that his brother knocked Xiao Xixi unconscious?

Hmm, judging from Xiao Xixi's force value, this possibility seems unlikely?

Seeing that Papa Mama came back, Little Baozi finally heaved a sigh of relief, Second Uncle would go crazy if he didn't come back.

"Brother...what's the situation, this"

Lu Jingli questioned her all the way until Lu Tingxiao carried Ning Xi to the bedroom upstairs and carefully put Ning Xi on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

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