Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1376 Find out that beast!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After tucking in the quilt for the girl, Lu Tingxiao leaned over and pressed a kiss on the girl's lips.

Ning Xi hadn't slept well for several nights in a row. After explaining everything to Lu Tingxiao, after all the pressure was relieved, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep on the way back.

At this moment, the girl opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at the gentle man in front of her, "Uh... are you home?"

"Yes." Lu Tingxiao nodded, "I'm home."

Ning Xi stretched out her arms and wrapped them around the man's neck, "Sleepy...I want to sleep..."

Lu Tingxiao: "You continue to sleep."

The girl immediately frowned, "Aren't you going to accompany me?"

Lu Tingxiao almost blurted out "accompanying", but he calmed down and said reluctantly, "I have something to deal with, can I let Xiaobao accompany you?"

Ning Xi immediately nodded obediently, "Yes."

"Xiaobao, stay with your mother." Lu Tingxiao immediately turned to his son and said.

And Xiaobaozi didn't need Lu Tingxiao to say, he had already taken off his shoes and climbed into bed to sleep with Mama, "Mom, Xiaobao will accompany you!"

Ning Xi hugged the soft and fragrant bun and kissed it, feeling extremely satisfied.

Lu Tingxiao kissed the foreheads of his son and his wife respectively, and then straightened up...

Lu Jingli, who had completely lost his mind, said, "Hey...I'm still here...You one, two, three...Who can talk to me first?"

Also, what is the meaning of this familiar dog abuse style?

Or a family of three abused together!

It's completely different from what he imagined...


After Ning Xi was settled, Lu Tingxiao motioned for Lu Jingli to follow him to the study, and Lu Jingli naturally followed him.

"Brother, what's going on? Did you break up with Xiao Xixi?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced over with icy sharp eyes, and Lu Jingli immediately swallowed weakly, "Master, I'm a good fortune teller, did I guess wrong this time?"

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that his reputation as a fortune teller has indeed been ruined...

"Did you check what you said earlier?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

Lu Jingli didn't realize what Lu Tingxiao was talking about for a while, "Ah? What is it?"

Lu Tingxiao: "What you heard from Ning Xueluo."

When Lu Jingli heard this, his face immediately became a little unhappy, "The result of the preliminary investigation is... this matter is true... Xiao Xixi did give birth to a dead baby back then... As for the specific situation, because I have been worrying about it The matter between you and Xiao Xixi, so I haven't investigated it carefully..."

Lu Tingxiao: "Go and check, the more detailed the better."

Lu Jingli was a little surprised when he heard the words. His brother's attitude towards this matter before was clearly not paying attention at all. Now after returning from City C, why did he suddenly tell him to check it out?

Lu Jingli's eyeballs rolled quickly, and his IQ suddenly went up, "'t tell me...the thing that Xiao Xixi asked you to talk about this it actually...?"

Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

Lu Jingli was on the verge of crying, "Is there a mistake...that's all?"

Didn't he scare himself for so long?

After a long time of collapse, Lu Jingli finally calmed down, okay, okay, as long as there is no breakup, it's fine, the fortune teller's name can be smashed!

Having said that, he suddenly admired the little baby, Nima is simply the pillar of the family, look at that calm demeanor!

Next, Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli exchanged information.

After hearing this, Lu Jingli was completely outraged, "Damn! Who the hell is so shameless! He's just a beast! Brother, don't worry, I'll definitely catch this beast!"

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