Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1377 Everyone is on your side

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

A small attic in the old town.

Ning Tianxin sat on the sofa with a look of helplessness on her face.

These days, she has been looking for a hospital for surgery, but the Mo family seems to have tampered with it.

She went to several hospitals, but all of them refused on the grounds that her body was not suitable for surgery, or the waiting list would be at least half a month later.

Just as he was about to think of other ways, Mo Lingtian's parents actually approached the door in person.

After opening the door and seeing two middle-aged couples with extraordinary temperament outside, Ning Tianxin was surprised, "The two of you are..."

"You are Tianxin, right? We are Ling Tian's parents. I'm really sorry for coming over so suddenly. Can I go in and have a chat with you?" Kang Shuhui looked up and down the girl in front of her while talking, and saw that the girl was dressed in plain clothes at home. Wearing it without makeup, it will look as graceful as a lotus emerging from water, and the favorability will be doubled immediately.

Sure enough, what my sister said was right, this girl is indeed different from those girls before.

"Of course, please come in, both of you." It was impossible for Ning Tianxin to shut out the two elders who came to the door in person, so he had to invite them in.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Ning Tianxin poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

"You don't live with your family?" Mo Jianzhang looked around the room and asked casually.

"I've moved out since college."

"Are you still in school?"

"In graduate school."

Mo Jianzhang nodded in satisfaction, he was still a student, no wonder he looked so innocent.

"Miss Ning...can I call you Tianxin?" Kang Shuhui's tone was unusually gentle.

Ning Tianxin nodded, "Madam Mo, please feel free."

"Hey, Tianxin! You must be very clear about the purpose of our coming here today. Now that you are pregnant with the flesh and blood of our Mo family, no matter what I say, I will definitely make Ling Tian take responsibility! So you are completely Don't worry!

Don't be impulsive, don't hurt this child! We will definitely let you call the shots! "

Kang Shuhui deliberately emphasized the words "don't hurt the child", obviously because she knew that Ning Tianxin was looking for a hospital for surgery recently.

Ning Tianxin looked a little far-fetched when he heard the words, and after considering his words, he said, "Mr. Mo, Mrs. Mo... Ling Tian and I have discussed the solution to this matter..."

"So the result of your discussion is to kill the child? Human life is such a joke in your eyes? It's just too nonsense!!!" Mo Jianzhang couldn't help but angrily said.

Kang Shuhui immediately glared at her husband, "It's not all your son's fault, why are you so cruel to Tianxin! What should I do if I'm scared?"

Mo Jianzhang's voice suddenly lowered several tones, "I... I'm so fierce! I'm just mad at that brat!"

Kang Shuhui patted Ning Tianxin's hand lightly, "Did you see that? Auntie and your Uncle Mo are all on your side! You don't have to be afraid of anything!"


At night, a VIP box at the Eaton Bar in the Imperial Capital.

Mo Lingtian gathered a group of friends, and they have been in the nightclub for three consecutive days and three nights, and they are in a state of drunkenness and dreaming.

"Mo Shao, what's the situation..." Someone asked the people around him who didn't know the truth.

Immediately, someone in the know replied gossipingly, "You still don't know? Young Master Mo is being forced into marriage recently! It's spread all over the circle!"

"Forced marriage? Isn't this normal? Hasn't Mo Shao been forced to marry by his family all the time?" The speaker was puzzled.

The insider approached the person, with an explosive expression on his face, "It's different this time! This time, it killed someone!"

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