Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1384 Unforeseen Results

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Mo Jianzhang didn't know why, but he turned on the loudspeaker anyway.

Then, Lu Tingxiao's calm voice came from the other end of the phone, "Ning Tianxin suffered a massive bleeding in the emergency room on the top floor of Didu Ren'ai Hospital, and is currently being rescued."

Lu Tingxiao's words rang clearly in the empty living room, in the ears of Mo Jianzhang, Kang Shuhui, and Mo Lingtian.

Like a thunderclap...

It took a long time for the three of them to react. Kang Shuhui snatched the phone from her husband's hand and asked eagerly, "Tingxiao...what are you talking about! Yesterday we persuaded Tianxin all afternoon, and when Tianxin went back last night, she still Well, I promised that we would not try to kill the child again. We wanted to keep her at home for one night because it was too late. She said she would go home to discuss the marriage with her father, and the driver took her off personally. At the door of the could it be possible to have an abortion..."

"I said hello to Ren'ai Hospital. If Tianxin passed by, there is absolutely no way I wouldn't know about it!" Mo Jianzhang said immediately afterward.

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiao finally understood why Ning Tianxin rushed to such a remote private clinic to have an abortion, "Last night in the early hours of last night, Ning Tianxin went to the private clinic in the north of the city alone."

Kang Shuhui flickered, still unwilling to believe, "Tingxiao, how did you know about this?"

From the other end of the phone came Lu Tingxiao's cold answer: "Ning Tianxin is my girlfriend's cousin, and Xiao Xi received a call from that small clinic late at night. When we arrived, he was on the verge of death due to excessive blood loss, so we Overnight, the person was transferred to Ren'ai Hospital."

Mo Jianzhang was filled with regret at this moment, and asked anxiously, "How is Tianxinren now? What about the is the child? Has the child been kept?"

"The child is gone. People are being rescued. The situation is not optimistic. The doctor said that the uterus may not be preserved."

Lu Tingxiao's words made Kang Shuhui and Mo Jianzhang completely stunned...

Kang Shuhui covered her mouth, sobbing uncontrollably.

Mo Jianzhang managed to stabilize his swaying body, "Shuhui, hurry up! Go to the hospital! Call Wanru too, absolutely nothing will happen to Tianxin!"

Otherwise, he will never forgive himself in his life...

Kang Shuhui nodded again and again, choking on the phone while sobbing, Mo Jianzhang immediately asked the housekeeper to prepare the car, and the two hurried out the door.

Behind him, Mo Lingtian was still sitting on the sofa in a trance, seemingly unable to recover from what happened just now.


The child... is gone...

The uterus may not be able to keep...


After a long time, Mo Lingcai woke up suddenly, stood up abruptly, and ran towards the door in a daze.

On the way to the hospital, Mo Lingtian drove the car very fast, and at the same time freed up a trembling hand to turn on the cell phone that had been turned off these days.

As soon as he turned on the phone, countless missed calls popped up, most of which were from Ning Tianxin.

The text message sent by Ning Tianxin lay quietly in the text message box...

[Ling Tian, ​​I have been to several hospitals in the past two days, but they all shirk their reluctance to perform surgery on me for various reasons. It may be that your family has greeted you. Have you explained it to your parents? ]

[Ling Tian, ​​hurry back when you see it. ]

[Ling Tian? ]

[Ling Tian, ​​Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo came to look for me at home today, please call me back if you see it? Maybe we can have a good talk with your parents, I'm sure they will understand. ]


The last text message was sent early this morning. This one has only two words: Ling Tian

Except for a name, there is nothing behind it, as if halfway through writing, I suddenly didn't know what to say and just sent it out...

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