Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1385 A section of monitoring

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Charity Hospital.

When Mo Lingtian arrived, Ning Tianxin had just been pushed out of the emergency room.

The girl's lips were chapped, her complexion was as pale as paper, and her skin was so fair that it was almost transparent, as if it would break at the touch of a finger.

"Doctor, how is my sister?" Ning Xi was the first to catch up and ask.

There was a dense layer of sweat on the doctor's forehead, his face was full of exhaustion, and he sighed, "Fortunately, you delivered it in time, and the uterus was barely preserved, but..."

The doctor's tone was a bit reproachful, "When she went to the hospital for an examination, didn't the doctor tell her that she had severe palace cold, and that abortion would cause great harm to her body, and in severe cases, she would even be infertile? Now In addition, the operation in an irregular small hospital caused massive bleeding... I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to conceive a child in the future... Hey..."

"My's all our fault...if we didn't deliberately prevent Tianxin from going to the hospital for surgery...she wouldn't be forced to go to that kind of small clinic..." Kang Shuhui looked at the girl on the cart, tears more than.

Mo Lingtian stood blankly a few steps away from the cart, looking at the bloodless girl on the cart.

Ning Xi saw Mo Lingtian from the corner of her eye, and was about to rush forward, regardless of Mo Jianzhang and Kang Shuhui, but Lu Tingxiao reached out to stop her, "Hey, go and accompany my cousin, leave this to me, okay?" ?”

Ning Xi glanced at Ning Tianxin, after all, she had to take care of Ning Tianxin first.

Kang Shuhui and Mo Jianzhang followed Ning Tianxin into the ward carefully without even looking at Mo Lingtian.

So, for a while, only Lu Tingxiao and Mo Lingtian were left in the corridor.

Lu Tingxiao walked up to Mo Lingtian, didn't say anything, just opened a video on his phone, and handed it to Mo Lingtian.

Mo Lingtian looked at the phone in Lu Tingxiao's hand, and took it mechanically.

Lu Tingxiao patted him on the shoulder before entering the ward.

Mo Lingtian seemed to have lost his soul, with the mobile phone in his hand, he walked blankly to the bench beside him and sat down.

The video on Lu Tingxiao's phone seemed to be a surveillance video.

The picture in the video looks like a dilapidated small clinic.

Mo Lingtian didn't know what he thought of, and his complexion suddenly changed. Sure enough, the next second, Ning Tianxin's figure appeared on the screen.

Mo Lingtian's back tensed subconsciously, staring at the thin figure...

In the picture, Ning Tianxin was in a trance, alone, asking the little nurse questions, and then, paying the fee, doing the examination, sitting on the bench and waiting.

From the beginning to the end, the girl's expression was unusually calm.

Until... until in the operating room, the doctor told her that there was still ten minutes for the operation...

The girl clutched the B-ultrasound photo tightly in her hand, and instantly fell into a breakdown...

From his angle, he could only see the girl's drooping head and trembling and convulsive shoulders. She didn't even make a sound, but it made his whole heart feel as if it was tightly strangled by an iron palm, almost suffocating.

In the video, the voice of the girl choking up is heard intermittently...

"Baby... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry... Mom can't leave you..."

"I'm sorry... Mom loves you..."


"Ning Tianxin, you can come in for surgery!" The doctor's urging voice came from the video.

The girl raised her head hastily, revealing a tear-stained, terrified little face.

In the next second, she quickly took out her mobile phone and typed on the mobile phone tremblingly, as if she was sending a text message to someone, with an expression on her face as if she was seeking the last sliver of redemption.

However, in the end, the girl somehow thought of something, and the last ray of light on her face went out. After writing and deleting the long text message, her fingers drooped down...

Mo Lingtian clicked on his mobile phone, looked at the last text message sent to him by the girl, looked at the two lonely, unfinished text messages of "Ling Tian", clenched his fists tightly, weeping uncontrollably...

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