Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1394 The Mystery of Ning Xi's Boyfriend

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was dizzy from being busy in the middle of the night. After dealing with the media, she planned to find a place to rest before the ceremony started.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door of the lounge, I saw...

Jiang Muye, Mo Chenxiu, Su Yan...

The three of them sat in a corner each, and the atmosphere was indescribably weird.

Forget about Jiang Muye and Mo Chenxiu, why is Su Yan also in the actor's lounge?

What the hell, she should rest in another place!

However, it was obviously not that easy. Just as Ning Xi was about to get out of the way, Su Yan who was sitting on the sofa not far to the left stood up and walked towards her, "Xiao Xi..."


Mo Chenxiu had been secretly observing Jiang Muye, but when he saw this, he immediately directed his gaze in Su Yan's direction.

Does this Su Yan know Ning Xi? To be called so intimately...

Helpless, Mo Chenxiu was still here, so Ning Xi could only turn around and ask, "Is there something wrong with President Su?"

"Can we talk? I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Ning Xi could only follow Su Yan to avoid Mo Chenxiu seeing the flaws and catching something.


Seeing the two of them leaving the lounge and walking towards the outside, Mo Chenxiu's expression suddenly changed.

This Su Yan didn't even look right at Ning Xi!

Could it be that Ning Xi's boyfriend is not Jiang Muye, but Su Yan?

Doesn't Su Yan have a girlfriend? And they are both getting married soon!

Damn, this guy won't be messing with a married man...

Jiang Muye looked at Ning Xi who left with Su Yan, and his expression was a little uneasy. What are these two going to talk about?


After a while, Ning Xi and Su Yan walked to the small garden behind the hotel.

"Let's talk quickly if you have something to do, the opening ceremony is about to begin!" Ning Xi glanced at her watch.

Su Yan looked at the girl in front of him with complicated eyes, and after a long time, he finally took out a bright red invitation card from his body and handed it to her, "I have an engagement date with Xueluo, on the 8th of next month. "

Ning Xi took the invitation and glanced at it casually, "Congratulations!"

Seeing Ning Xi's attitude, Su Yan felt even more uncomfortable for some reason.

If she was as cynical as before, it would prove that she cared, but now...

Seeing that Ning Xi accepted the invitation, said congratulations and was about to leave, Su Yan clenched his fists, ran after him, and grabbed the girl's hand, "Xiao Xi! Don't you have anything to say to me? "

Before Ning Xi could speak, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and pulled Ning Xi's hand away from Su Yan's.

Ning Xi turned her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Muye who came running suddenly, "Golden hair?"

Jiang Muye stared at her unhappily, "What is there to talk about with an ex? What if we get caught on camera!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Su Yan a cold look, "Master Su, he is about to get married, please pay attention to the influence, you are not afraid of gossip, my junior sister is afraid of gossip!"

Su Yan looked at the two people who left, and frowned.

Not only are the two close, Jiang Muye even knows about his relationship with Ning Xi...

Could it be that the scandal is true... Ning Xi is really dating Jiang Muye?

After taking Ning Xi away, Jiang Muye immediately said unhappily, "What are you talking about with that scumbag?"

Ning Xi shrugged, "He's obviously here to squat on me today, so he just solved it once to save trouble!"

Jiang Muye looked at her with an expression of disbelief, "Really? You're still not in love with this first love, are you?"

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