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After all, first love is the most unforgettable...

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Ning Xi said angrily.

Jiang Muye's face became more serious, "Then are you planning to use those methods to deal with Su Yan? For example, hook up Su Yan and dump him?"

Ning Xi raised her brows slightly, "I hooked up with Su Yan? If I really planned to hook up with him, do you think there's something about Ning Xueluo?"

Jiang Muye: "..."

It seems irrefutable.

Ning Xi stared at Jiang Muye suddenly, "Jin Mao, have you heard a word?"

Jiang Muye frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Ning Xi glanced at him nonchalantly, "If nothing happened, it's the most ruthless revenge."

It would be too disgusting for her to hook up with Su Yan.

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she continued, "By the way, there is one more thing. Generally speaking, if a person can't forget his ex, it must be because his current position is not good enough. So, now that I have an incumbent like my darling, you Do you think... I have no reason why I can't forget my ex?"

Jiang Muye: "..."

count me stupid...

Jiang Muye took a few deep breaths before recovering from the grief of being abused by a dog for the nth time. He muttered and looked at the sweet girl on the opposite side and said, "You and Lu Tingxiao have quarreled and reconciled? Look at your smug face!"

Some time ago, it was like mania, he didn't dare to approach her within three steps.

Ning Xi recalled yesterday evening... Chunfeng Town... the wheat field...

Completely ignoring Jiang Muye's question, with an extremely gentle expression on his face, he murmured and immersed himself in his own world, "Hey... I suddenly have the urge to propose to my sweetheart... I have to speed up the process of accumulating the dowry It's..."

Jiang Muye: "..."

when i didn't ask...

Soon it was time for the opening ceremony.

The main creators of the crew offered incense and worshiped gods one by one, and finally the director lifted the red cloth covering the camera and announced the start of the camera.

There was cheers and applause at the scene.

Meng Shiyi, who was beside Ning Xi, had been looking around absent-mindedly since the opening ceremony, at this moment, she walked up to the director and asked, "Director Guo, Mr. Yun didn't come today?"

"Boss Yun has already notified him, but such a big shot would definitely not come to such a small opening ceremony like ours!" Guo Qisheng replied.

"Understood." Meng Shiyi showed a disappointed look, and asked again, "Then will he really come to play?"

"This... At that time, the other party just mentioned something on the phone. As for whether he will come at that time, I really don't know. After all, it is rumored that the boss's temperament is a bit unpredictable, and everything will not be known until then... ..." Guo Qisheng's tone was also uncertain.

Meng Shiyi thought for a while and suggested, "By the way, Director Guo, isn't the role of Leng Aoxue's mysterious master still vacant? Why don't you let Mr. Yun come to play this role? This is a decent and positive role, and it is very popular in the original work." The reader's welcome must be more suitable than the father of the demon girl, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Guo Qisheng didn't know what Meng Shiyi meant. He coughed lightly, and said in embarrassment, "I'm afraid I can't decide this. The role of Yun Sitian was chosen by Boss Yun himself."

"He chose it himself? Why did he choose this role?"

"Maybe it's because this character is also surnamed Yun, and Boss Yun's eye-catching? You can't even tell what rich people think!"


Ning Xi, who was on the side, listened to the conversation between Meng Shiyi and Guo Qisheng, pinched the center of her eyebrows, and let out a long sigh, expressing that she was very tired.

[For those who like to read sadistic articles, you can read my last book "Cute Wife Donuts: The Seventh Day of Billion Warm Marriage". Miss"】

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