Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1407 Damn! He is dead!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The moment Lu Jingli heard this question, his complexion was completely cracked, and he seemed to be in a daze. It took him a long time to answer reflexively, "August... August 18... is also August 18! "

After accepting such information all at once, Lu Jingli almost fainted from the shock.

Damn! The place where his brother was drugged five years ago, and the place where Ning Xi was drugged by Ning Xueluo, coincidentally happened to be on the same day, in the same place!

What's even more frightening is that the date Ning Xi gave birth to the dead baby in the car accident was the same day as the date Xiao Bao was sent to Lu's house!

This... what does this mean...

He has scolded the beast for so many days... Could it be... Could it be...

Lu Jingli didn't dare to think about it anymore!

"Continue to investigate." At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's expression was extremely ugly, so terrified that Lu Jingli didn't even have the courage to take a look.

"Yes yes yes... I'll check again right away! I guess I made a mistake, Xiao Xixi definitely didn't go into your box at all that night!" Lu Jingli's expression was extremely bitter.

Before leaving, Lu Jingli didn't know where the courage came from. He stopped, turned around and said with shaking legs, "Brother... No matter how I check, there may be deviations... Even though the box was booked by you... But there is also a possibility Someone else went in...Actually...there is another method that is absolutely infallible...that can completely figure out everything..."

Lu Tingxiao: "Shut up!"

"Oh..." Lu Jingli howled in fright and ran away without a trace.

He had never seen Lu Tingxiao look so scary...

The method he can think of, can his brother not think of it?

The best way to get the bottom line is to do a paternity test for Ning Xi and Xiaobao, so that everything can be understood.

But how dare he say that!

He's scared to death, okay?

That night, he was the one who administered the medicine to Lu Tingxiao himself, and fearing that it would not be enough, he prescribed three times as much medicine.

Lu Tingxiao's box is just opposite to 713, and box number 718 looks so similar to 713...

What if... what if Xiao Xixi went to the wrong box... and met his brother who had been given such a large dose of drugs and completely lost his sanity and only his instincts...

Also, if everything is as he speculated just now, then the child that Xiao Xixi is carrying is almost certainly his brother's, but the baby that Xiao Xixi gave birth to was obviously a dead baby, how could it be in Lian Xiaoxixi's life? What if he was sent to the Lu family without knowing it?

Lu Jingli felt that his brain was about to shut down due to the super high-speed operation...

From Lu Tingxiao's words, he could know how much Ning Xi hated that man back then, and how much that man had hurt Xiao Xixi. If the man who raped Xiao Xixi was really him brother, the consequences...

Damn! He is almost dead!

No, no, no... But I can't think so completely...

If Xiao Xixi was the real mother of little baby... how happy little baby would be!

Does this count as equalizing merit and demerit?



In the study.

Lu Jingli should thank him for running fast, because almost the moment he left, the atmosphere in the study immediately dropped to zero, and the gloomy atmosphere around the man in front of the desk was extremely terrifying.

No matter how much Lu Tingxiao thought about it, he couldn't have imagined that the person he tracked down who bullied Ning Xi would eventually find himself...

The person he wished to be ashes...could be himself...

All of this is like an extremely absurd dream...

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