Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1408 Little Treasure Looks Like Ning Xi

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Tingxiao didn't know how long he had been in the study, but he suddenly stood up, put on his coat, took the car keys, and walked out the door.

"Master, do you want to go out?"

"Prepare the car and go pick up Xiaobao."



school entrance.

It was the end of school time, and the doorway was extremely lively. The lively and lovely children came out one after another and followed their parents.

Lu Tingxiao's usually meticulous neckline was pulled into a mess, and at this moment he was quietly leaning against the car door, lighting a cigarette in his hand, but the depths of his eyes were violently churning like a huge and dangerous whirlpool.

Finally, a small familiar figure appeared at the school gate.

The little bun was carrying a small schoolbag, with a stern face, waiting for the housekeeper's grandfather to pick him up as usual, but when he looked up, he saw a familiar car and a familiar tall figure in front of the car.

The little guy's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran towards a short distance - "Mom!"

Lu Tingxiao pinched the cigarette in his hand, "Your mother didn't come."

Xiao Baozi's face was filled with disappointment, and he switched from hot buns to cold buns in almost a second.

The black car was driving slowly on the road, and the scenery outside the car window quickly backed up behind it.

Inside the car, everyone, one big and one small, said nothing.

The little bun sat expressionlessly on the passenger seat. Lu Tingxiao was driving with his slender fingers resting on the steering wheel. He was sizing up the little guy on the passenger seat with deep eyes in the rearview mirror.

Xiaobao's cold, expressionless face resembled him very much, and his facial features were completely copied. No one would suspect that this little guy was Lu Tingxiao's seed.

Even after so many years, people in the family question Xiaobao's identity every time, but as long as they see Xiaobao, all doubts will be dispelled.

"Will Mommy come over tonight?" Xiaobao asked.

"I'll give her a call." Lu Tingxiao stared at the word "My Love" in the phone's contact book for a long time, and finally dialed the number.

"Hey, darling~" The girl's Qingyue voice came from the other end of the phone, like warm running water, which instantly soothed his heart, which was so anxious that it was almost unbearable.

"Where are you?"

"Just after work, Zhuang Rongguang called me and asked me to go to the shooting range. He was about to play a few games to relax."

"Can I take Xiaobao to find you? Xiaobao misses you."

"Of course you can, bring my good son~" Ning Xi immediately said happily.

Listening to Ning Xi's words "my son", Lu Tingxiao was full of thoughts, "Okay, I'll be there later."

"Should we go to mother's place?" Xiao Bao's face suddenly brightened.

"En." Lu Tingxiao nodded.

The little guy pursed his lips when he heard the words, and showed a shallow happy smile.

From the corner of his eyes, Lu Tingxiao inadvertently saw that the moment Xiaobao smiled, the look on his looked like Ning Xi...

Lu Tingxiao's expression suddenly turned dazed.

Ever since Ning Xi appeared and Xiaobao's smiles began to increase, he had already discovered that when Xiaobao smiled, his eyebrows and eyes were completely different from his.

It was even said more than once that Xiaobao had been with Ning Xi for a long time, and even his appearance was somewhat similar to Ning Xi's, especially when he laughed, the expression between his brows and eyes was particularly similar.

When he heard this before, he only thought it was fate and never thought about it.

Looking back at this moment, from the time when Xiaobao fell in love with Ning Xi at first sight, from Ning Xi's extraordinary love for Xiaobao, one thing after another... It was shocking...

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