Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 142 Can You Still Chat Well

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Because she couldn't go back to the city in time, she was sent to the only small hospital in Chunfeng Town. That night, another pregnant woman was sent in right after her..."

"What happened next?" Lu Tingxiao asked, even though he had roughly guessed what happened next.

Ning Xi shrugged her shoulders, "It was bloody after that! That small hospital was understaffed and the system was chaotic, and the two girls were wrongly hugged, and this mistake lasted eighteen years! Did you know that Ning Xueluo even had the same blood type as the I am the same, so this matter has never been discovered!"

"Then how did you find out?"

Ning Xi turned her head and smiled at Lu Tingxiao, "Well, thank you to my flirtatious second uncle!"

"Ning Yaobang?" Lu Tingxiao had some impressions, but he didn't know much about him. He only knew that he was a famous playboy in the imperial capital back then.

"That's right, my second uncle is a playboy. After getting married, he still plays with women everywhere, and has killed a lot of people. He has a son and three daughters!

The Ning family didn't know if there was something wrong with Feng Shui. In this generation, Ning Yaohua and Ning Yaobang couldn't bear a son, so my second uncle's illegitimate son became the only male heir of the Ning family's generation.

My second uncle was very frightened during that time, thinking that he could inherit the family property, but who knew that the only male heir was found to be not his own at all, but he was cuckolded by a woman outside haha! And guess what? "

Lu Tingxiao fell in love with the bright light in her eyes, and thought for a while, "Then your grandfather ran a DNA test on all the descendants of the Ning family, and found out that Ning Xueluo is not from the Ning family either?"

The Ning family was full of black lines, "Can we still have a good chat... There is no sense of accomplishment to play tricks on you!"

Lu Tingxiao chuckled, "I'm sorry, I will improve next time."

Ning Xi snorted, and continued, "Anyway, after some investigation, I found out that Ning Xueluo and I were wrongly hugged in the hospital, and then I was taken back to Ning's house!"

Hearing her say these words in such a calm tone, Lu Tingxiao gently patted the top of her head, "They treated you badly?"

Ning Xi thought it was nothing at first, but for some reason she was slapped so lightly by Lu Tingxiao, she suddenly felt that she was wronged.

This person, it really is because someone feels sorry for you that you feel wronged. No one cares who you feel wronged for.

Seeing the girl's depressed state, Lu Tingxiao opened his arms generously, "I can lend you my arms."

Ning Xi was slightly startled, then turned her head, "No! You're tempting me to commit a crime, do you know that?"

Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything, and continued to look at her intently, "Where are your foster parents? Are they treating you well?"

Speaking of adoptive parents, Ning Xi lifted her spirits a bit, "My grandma is patriarchal and doesn't like me very much. When I was born, she almost threw me into the river and drowned, and she threw me once later, but it was all because of me. Dad picked it up, and my mother... is also very kind to me, and I have a very sensible and obedient brother!"

Hearing that she was almost drowned and thrown away, Lu Tingxiao's heart tightened for a moment, and when she mentioned her mother, her expression seemed a little off, but he didn't ask any further questions.

"I like my original family very much. When they told me that they were not their own, I felt that the sky was about to collapse. But with the power of the Ning family, I had no choice at all. If I resisted desperately at that time, it might be the same There is a glimmer of hope not to go, but..."

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