Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 143 No one is better than you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi sighed, "But at that time I fell in love with a man, and I needed an identity that could match him."

Lu Tingxiao's eyes moved slightly, "Is it Su Yan?"

Ning Xi nodded, then said with a smile, "Is it strange how I knew such a young master as Su Yan with my status at that time?"

In order not to be guessed by Lu Tingxiao again, Ning Xi stopped being tricky and asked herself directly, "Because Su Yan's lungs were not good when he was a child, he came to us to recuperate and lived next door to my house, and he lived there for seven years.

When we met for the first time, I happened to pass by and ran into him, so I helped him carry him all the way home.

Later, I gradually got to know each other, met each other, knew each other and loved each other, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, what a beautiful vocabulary! Oh, but in the end the reality told me that this is not the story of Cinderella and the prince, but the story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf! "

"Don't be sad, he is not good enough for you." Lu Tingxiao comforted.

Unexpectedly, she chatted with Lu Tingxiao about her ex-boyfriend unknowingly. Ning Xi scratched her head and said embarrassedly, "Let's talk about the Ning family... because Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu couldn't bear to raise him for eighteen years. Ning Xueluo, so after returning to me, she didn't return Ning Xueluo to the Tang family. Ning Xueluo is still the jewel in the palm of the Ning family.

You should be able to imagine what happened next. The gap of eighteen years cannot be made up overnight. In front of Ning Xueluo, who has been educated by elites from wealthy families for eighteen years, I am just a country girl.

Back then, I was so simple and stupid that I even regarded her as a friend at the beginning, but she used my trust to trick me into using lemonade for washing hands as a drink, and gave me an A-quality dress to wear at the banquet. I squeezed out of the Ning family and out of the social circle...

People in those circles have already gotten to know Ning Xueluo well, they belong to the same country as her, they treat me as a friend on the surface, but they laugh at me as a country bumpkin in private, and even my biological parents hate my existence, thinking that I am a Their stains... and then Su Yan..."

After Su Yan, the girl's most important reputation, innocence and dignity, was trampled and destroyed.

Ning Xi hugged her knees slowly, "Today on the set, there was a problem with the props, and my sword accidentally hurt Ning Xueluo. In the hospital, my mother, my biological mother, beat me without asking a word. I slap me, and my biological father only has endless accusations and threats against me..."

Ning Xi stared blankly at the dark night outside the window, her voice was a little ethereal, "I didn't know why, but the nerves in my mind that had been tense for five years suddenly broke down, and I suddenly felt that nothing was interesting, that I was living a good life I failed, is it because I am too bad that everyone hates me? Is there any point in my hard work for so long..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Tingxiao suddenly pulled her shoulders forcefully, "Ning Xi, look at me. Not everyone hates you, it's them who are the worst. Do you understand?"

Ning Xi's eyes were slightly red.

Even if she always acted heartless and didn't care about anything, she was only a young girl in her twenties after all.

Lu Tingxiao hugged her into his arms and gently kissed the top of her hair...

Ning Xi only felt a slight weight on the top of her head, but she didn't know what it was.

Lu Tingxiao stared at her very seriously, "Ning Xi, if you doubt yourself, then try to trust me. You are fine."

There is no one better than you in this world.

Ning Xi laughed through tears, "Of course I believe what Boss Lu said!"

Lu Tingxiao heaved a sigh of relief, the disillusionment in her eyes at that moment just now made him extremely panicked.

After a moment of silence, Lu Tingxiao took the initiative to ask, "Ning Xi, can I ask you a question?"

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